Uses of Podophyllin

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Podophyllin 25% is a liquid drug commonly used for the local treatment of early stage warts, genital warts, small warts and milia. So is Podophyllin good and how to use Podophyllin?

1. What is Podophyllin?

Podophyllin 25% is a liquid drug commonly used for the local treatment of early stage warts, genital warts, small warts and milia. The drug originates from Thailand, is imported directly and distributed in the market through genuine agents. The drug is not intended for use by pregnant women and children. Because it can cause serious unwanted effects throughout the body, it should only be used with the consent and prescription of a doctor.

2. Composition of the drug Podophyllin

Podophyllin for topical use is a liquid, not an acid. The drug contains a solution of Podophylum tree sap 11.5% (in dual tincture of Benzoin 10% and Ethanol 70.5%); 25% (in dual tincture Benzoin Ethanol).

3. Indications of Podophyllin

Podophyllin is indicated for the local treatment of benign epithelial tumors such as angiosperms, papillomas, genital warts, fibroids, external and perianal condyloma.

4. Contraindications of Podophyllin

Podophyllin is contraindicated in the following cases:
Not used to treat warts on mucous membranes. Includes warts in the urethra, in the anus or rectum, in the vagina, in the cervix, (for external genital use only). Patients who are taking corticosteroids, have circulatory disorders (poor blood circulation) People who are pregnant or breast-feeding. Diabetic patients. People who are sensitive to Podophylum resin or to any of its ingredients.

5. Is Podophyllin good?

Podophyllin is reported to be effective in the treatment of benign epithelial tumors such as angiomas, fibroids, papillomas, genital warts and external and perianal condylomas. The drug is quite simple and safe to use. After applying for a while, the wart will shrink and fall off on its own. As for genital warts, which is a difficult disease to treat, Podophyllin only works locally to prevent genital warts from developing, but does not work to completely treat the HPV virus inside the body.

6. Instructions for using Podophyllin

Dosage: Dot the drug once every 2 days, people with anal problems should apply it every 3 days, a week can dot 3 times.
How to use:
Step 1: clean and dry the skin with acne, papillomas, then use 1% tetracycline ointment or vaseline available at pharmacies, apply around the healthy skin To disinfect and protect healthy skin from the effects of Podophyllin, avoid causing overdose and burning pain. Step 2: Dot the solution on the wart, wait from 30 seconds to 60 seconds for the medicine to dry completely (note that the dot is not too dark or the dots spread to the healthy skin). Step 3: After applying the medicine for about 3 hours, the thick skin can be up to 4 hours, use physiological saline or feminine hygiene solution (for women) to wash and then dry gently.

7. Notes when using Podophyllin

Because of the potential for serious systemic side effects, Podophylum resin should only be used under the close supervision of a physician. The drug is strongly irritating to the skin, eyes, and mucous membranes, so it requires very careful use. Do not use the drug with a pregnant woman because it can cause teratogenicity or stillbirth. Do not use with small children because it can cause strong irritation When treating, patients need to follow step-by-step instructions, do not arbitrarily increase the amount of medicine, if there are other uncomfortable feelings, it is necessary to reduce the amount of medicine. In case of overdose, it is necessary to stop using it immediately, clean it to avoid infection, and keep the skin cool. Podophyllin 25% is a liquid drug commonly used for the local treatment of early stage warts, genital warts, small warts and milia. To ensure effective treatment and avoid side effects, patients need to carefully read the instructions for use or consult a doctor or pharmacist for advice.
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This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.


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