Uses of Shinpoog Cefaxone

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Shinpoog Cefaxone is indicated in the treatment of infections of the respiratory tract, ENT, digestive system, blood and genitals... Let's refer to some information about Shinpoog Cefaxone to help you know how to use it. use the most appropriate medication.

1. Indications for using Shinpoog Cefaxone

Shinpoog Cefaxone is used in the treatment of the following diseases:
Respiratory and ear - nose - throat infections; Kidney infection - urogenital tract; Septicemia ; Meningitis; Prophylaxis of postoperative infections, bones, joints, skin, wounds and soft tissues; Peritonitis ; Cholecystitis; Cholangitis ; Bacterial digestive infections.

2. Dosage, how to use Shinpoog Cefaxone

Shinpoog Cefaxone drug is indicated for intramuscular or intravenous injection with the following dose:
Adults and children > 12 years old: Shinpoog Cefaxone dose 1 - 2g/day; In case of severe infection, the dose can be increased by 4g/day; Children 15 days old to 12 years old: Shinpoog Cefaxone dose 20 - 80mg/kg; Children < 14 days old: Shinpoog Cefaxone dose is 20 - 50mg/kg/day; Meningitis: Shinpoog Cefaxone dose 100mg/kg x 1 time/day, maximum 4g; Treatment of gonorrhea: Intramuscular injection of Shinpoog Cefaxone 250mg single dose; Prophylaxis before surgery: Use Shinpoog Cefaxone dose 1 - 2g injected 30 - 90 minutes before surgery. The above dose of Shinpoog Cefaxone is for reference only. The specific dose of Shinpoog Cefaxone will depend on your condition and disease progression. To get the right dose of Shinpoog Cefaxone, patients need to consult their doctor/pharmacist.

3. Contraindications to the use of Shinpoog Cefaxone

Shinpoog Cefaxone is contraindicated in the following cases:
Hypersensitivity to active ingredients Ceftriaxone or Cephalosporin, Penicilline.

4. Drug interactions

Interactions may occur when Shinpoog Cefaxone is used together with diuretics. To avoid unwanted interactions when using Shinpoog Cefaxone, patients should inform their doctor/pharmacist of all medications, supplements, vitamins they are taking.

5. Shinpoog Cefaxone side effects

During the use of Shinpoog Cefaxone, patients may experience some of the following side effects:
Skin hypersensitivity; Jaundice; Increase liver enzymes ; Acute renal failure; Severe colitis; Interstitial pneumonia ; Shock. During the course of treatment, if there are any abnormal symptoms suspected of using Shinpoog Cefaxone, the patient should notify the treating doctor/pharmacist for timely treatment.

6. Be careful when using Shinpoog Cefaxone

Use Shinpoog Cefaxone with caution in the following subjects:
People with a history of drug allergy; Patients with severe renal failure; Pregnant and lactating women. Above is information about the uses, dosage and precautions when using Shinpoog Cefaxone. To ensure safety for your health and maximize the effectiveness of your treatment, you need to take Shinpoog Cefaxone exactly as directed by your doctor.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

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