Uses of Simarta

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What is Simarta? Simarta is a drug to treat diarrhea by adsorption mechanism. The main ingredient of the drug is Diosmectite 3g. The drug is packaged in a box containing 30 powder packets, each containing 3g of active ingredients for oral suspension.

1. What are the effects of Simarta?

With a layer-by-layer structure and high mucilage, the active ingredient Diosmectit in Simarta has a great ability to coat the digestive mucosa. Diosmectite interacts with glycoproteins of mucus, thereby increasing the resistance of the sticky gel layer on the mucosa when attacked. Thanks to its action on the mucosal barrier in the gastrointestinal tract and its high adhesion ability, the active ingredient Diosmectit has a very effective protective effect on the digestive mucosa.
Diosmectite is a non-contrast active ingredient, does not cause stool staining with common doses, and Diosmectite has no effect on changing the physiological transit time of the intestine.
Diosmectite is not absorbed into the blood, when using the drug will be excreted by the gastrointestinal tract.

2. Indications - contraindications of the drug Simarta

Simarta is used to treat painful symptoms of oesophageal - gastric - duodenal and colonic diseases. Simarta treats acute and chronic diarrhea in children and adults. Simarta is contraindicated in patients with hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients.

3. Dosage - How to take Simarta

3.1. Dosage of Simarta for children Children under 1 year of age take Simarta at a dose of 1 pack/day; Children 1 to 2 years old use Simarta at a dose of 1-2 packs/day Children over 2 years old take Simarta at a dose of 2-3 packs/day. Simarta can be dissolved in a water bottle (50ml) divided during the day or mixed in a paste for children to drink.
3.2. Simarta dosage for adults The average dose of Simarta in adults is 3 sachets/day, dissolved in half a glass of water. Usually if the patient has acute diarrhea, the dose of Simarta can be doubled at the start of treatment. 3.3. How to use Simarta medicine Dissolve each package of Simarta medicine with about 50ml of water. Before taking the medicine, shake or stir the medicine to dissolve. Filtered water can be replaced with drinks such as lemonade, vegetable juice, or thoroughly mixed with semi-liquid food such as vegetable and fruit puree; Simarta should be used after meals when used to support esophagitis, and Simarta should be taken away from meals when treating other diseases. Simarta is also used by douching retain: 1-3 times/day, each time mix 1 - 3 packets of Simarta in 50 to 100 ml of warm water.

4. Side effects of the drug Simarta

Simarta can cause or increase constipation in patients but very rarely, at this point Simarta treatment can still be continued with a reduced dose of Simarta. Other rare side effects of Simarta are flatulence and vomiting.

5. Precautions when using Simarta

When taking Simarta, it is necessary to rehydrate if necessary (using orally or intravenously) depending on the age, location of the patient and the degree of diarrhea of ​​the patient. Even in adults, treatment with Simarta should not omit the necessary rehydration of fluids and electrolytes. Diosmectite contained in Simarta must be used with caution in patients with a history of severe constipation. Diet when having diarrhea should avoid raw vegetables, fruits, spicy dishes, frozen foods, should eat grilled meat and rice.

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