Uses of Tanafadol

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Tanafadol is often prescribed by doctors to relieve pain or reduce fever caused by many different causes. Before and during treatment with Tanafadol, you should consult your doctor about the dose and time of taking the drug to get better soon.

1. What is Tanafadol?

Tanafadol belongs to the group of antipyretic analgesics, used mainly to treat dengue fever, flu, viral infections, bacterial infections,... The following are the active ingredients in the drug. Tanafadol drug, including:
Main active ingredient: Paracetamol 325mg. Other excipients: Tapioca starch, Avicel PH101, Sodium starch glycolate, Magnesium stearate, Sunset yellow and strawberry flavor.

2. What are the effects of Tanafadol?

The main active ingredient Paracetamol in Tanafadol is an active metabolite of Phenacetin, which has an effective analgesic and antipyretic effect and is often used as a substitute for Aspirin, but has no ability to treat inflammation. In addition, Paracetamol has the effect of reducing body temperature rapidly in febrile patients but rarely in normal people.
Tanafadol contains Paracetamol, so it has little effect on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems when used in therapeutic doses. On the other hand, this active ingredient also does not cause irritation, stomach bleeding or gastric mucosal scratches like Salicylates.
Tanafadol is often prescribed by doctors to treat the following conditions:
Effectively treat the symptoms of diseases that cause fever and pain. Treatment of conditions such as headache, neuralgia, muscle pain, tendon pain, chronic joint pain and pain from trauma. Treatment of fever has many different causes. Tanafadol should not be used in the following cases:
Patients with allergies or hypersensitivity reactions to Paracetamol or any of the excipients contained in the drug. Do not use Tanafadol for people with glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency.

3. Dosage and recommendations for proper use of Tanafadol

3.1 Tanafadol drug dosage Tanafadol drug is usually used with the following general recommended dosage:
Dosage for adults and children > 11 years old: Take 1-2 tablets / time, 4 - 6 hours apart. each dose. Paracetamol should not be taken more than 4g per day and should not be used for more than 5 days for children and 10 days for adults. Dose for children from 6 to 11 years old: Oral 60mg/kg body weight/24 hours. 3.2 How should Tanafadol be used effectively? Tanafadol is to be taken orally with an adequate amount of water. When taking the drug, the patient should avoid taking it with carbonated substances, sugary drinks or alcohol to ensure that it does not affect the effect of the active ingredient in the drug.
During the use of Tanafadol, the patient should carefully read the instructions and strictly follow all the instructions of the doctor. Never adjust the dose or skip the dose without your doctor's approval.
3.3 How to deal with Tanafadol overdose Tanafadol overdose situation can occur when a patient takes a dose that exceeds the allowable amount or repeats a dose of Paracetamol from 7.5 - 10g / day within 1-2 days. day. The most serious overdose symptom that Paracetamol can cause is liver necrosis. In addition, the patient also has other manifestations such as abdominal pain, vomiting, cyanosis of the skin, nails or mucous membranes.
In the case of severe Paracetamol poisoning, the patient will experience symptoms of mild excitability initially, delirium, agitation, then central nervous system depression (fatigue, hypothermia, stupor, pulse). rapid weakness, irregular pulse, rapid-shallow breathing, circulatory failure and low blood pressure). Tanafadol overdose can be life-threatening, so early diagnosis is extremely important. Here are some measures that can be applied to manage Paracetamol overdose:
Gastric lavage within 4 hours after overdose. Detoxification with Sulfhydryl compounds. N-acetylcysteine ​​administered orally or intravenously. Use activated charcoal, methionine or salt bleach.

4. What side effects can Tanafadol cause?

In certain cases, you may experience the following side effects when treating pain and fever with Tanafadol:
Kidney disease. Skin rash. Nausea, vomiting. Increased nephrotoxicity with long-term use of Tanafadol. Decreased platelets. Decrease in neutrophils. Decrease in total platelet count. Anemia . Hypersensitivity reactions (rare). These side effects are uncommon or rarely occur, however, patients should not manage if any unusual symptoms appear while taking Tanafadol. Ideally, notify your healthcare provider immediately if symptoms appear to be related to Tanafadol.

5. What should be noted during treatment with Tanafadol?

In all cases, to ensure safe use of Tanafadol and bring about the expected therapeutic effects, patients should note some recommendations below:
Be cautious when deciding to use Tanafadol for alcoholics, have liver or kidney failure. Sometimes, Paracetamol can cause allergic skin reactions such as red rash, itchy rash, urticaria; or other hypersensitivity reactions such as angioedema, laryngeal edema, anaphylaxis, etc. At that time, the patient should stop the drug and notify the doctor soon. Use caution when using the drug for people with Phenylketonuria. Avoid drinking alcohol while taking Tanafadol because it can increase liver toxicity. Only use Tanafadol for pregnant women when absolutely necessary.

6. Tanafadol drug is likely to interact with any drugs?

Below is a list of drugs that have the potential to interact with Tanafadol:
Coumarin anticoagulant. Indandion derivatives. Phenothiazines. Alcohol. Anticonvulsants such as Barbiturates, Phenytoin, and Carbamazepine. Isoniazid drug. Probenecid drug. To avoid interactions between Tanafadol and other medications, patients should tell their doctor if they are currently taking any of the substances or drugs listed above. In addition, vitamins, over-the-counter drugs or products made from natural herbs also need to be reported to your doctor to assess the risk of interactions with Tanafadol.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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