Uses of Tanafetus

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Tanafetus medicine is often prescribed to treat coughs caused by colds, flu, pneumonia, bronchitis, .. and bring effective expectorant effect. During the course of taking the drug, the patient should follow the treatment plan recommended by the doctor.

1. What is Tanafetus?

Tanafetus belongs to the group of drugs that act on the respiratory tract. Tanafetus is often used to relieve cough, bring expectorant effect and relieve cough symptoms caused by flu, tuberculosis, colds, pneumonia,...
Currently, Tanafetus drug is made in the form of tablets. and packed in a box of 25 blisters x 4 tablets. Each Tanafetus tablet includes a combination of the following active ingredients:
Main active ingredient: Dextromethorphan HBr (10mg), Chlorpheniramine maleate (1mg), Ammonium chloride (50mg), Sodium citrate (133mg) and Glycerin guaiacolat ( 50mg). Excipients are sufficient: Tapioca starch, Lactose, Magnesium stearate, Talc powder, PVP.K30 and patente color (blue).

2. Uses of the drug Tanafetus

Each active ingredient in the drug Tanafetus plays a different role and task. When combined together in the same formula, it can bring effective treatment to relieve cough, loosen phlegm and quickly repel symptoms of cough caused by colds, pneumonia,...
2.1 Indications for use of Tanafetus medicine Tanafetus medicine Commonly prescribed to treat the following cases:
Effective treatment of cough and expectoration. Treatment for coughs caused by pneumonia, flu, colds, tuberculosis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, laryngitis. Treat a cough caused by inhaling irritants or irritated pleura. 2.2 Contraindications to use Tanafetus Do not use Tanafetus for the following cases without consulting a doctor:
Patients with hypersensitivity or allergy to any of the active ingredients in the drug. People with acute asthma attacks. People with symptoms of an enlarged prostate. People with bladder neck obstruction, stricture or pyloroduodenal obstruction, gastric ulcer. People suffering from narrow angle glaucoma. Breastfeeding women, premature babies and infants. People who are taking Monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors within the past 14 days. Children < 2 years old.

3. Dosage and effective use of Tanafetus drug

Tanafetus is indicated for the treatment of cough and expectoration in adults and children over 12 years of age with the recommended dose of 1 - 2 tablets / time, each dose is 6 - 8 hours apart or as directed by a doctor. To use Tanafetus effectively and limit the risk of side effects, patients need to take the drug according to the recommended dose, avoid arbitrarily increasing / decreasing the dose or stopping taking the drug ahead of time.
Tanafetus is made in tablet form, so patients can take it orally. When taking orally, the tablet should be swallowed whole, avoiding chewing or crushing it. In addition, should not drink Tanafetus with other types of water such as soft drinks, carbonated water, alcohol, coffee,...

4. What to do when taking an overdose of Tanafetus?

The overdose of Tanafetus drug can cause adverse effects to the health as well as the treatment process of the patient, specifically:
Overdose of Dextromethorphan: Causes symptoms such as drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, blurred vision, urinary retention, nystagmus, hallucinations, convulsions and respiratory failure. To manage the overdose of Dextromethorphan HBr, the doctor will administer Naloxone 2mg intravenously to the patient and repeat if necessary for a total dose of 10mg. Overdose of Chlorpheniramine maleate: Causes symptoms such as seizures, sedation, paradoxical stimulation of the central nervous system, anti-acetylcholine secretion. To manage an overdose of Chlorpheniramine maleate, the doctor will apply symptomatic measures and some life-supportive therapies for the patient.

5. Some possible side effects when taking Tanafetus

The following are the possible side effects that occur when patients are treated with Tanafetus: Fatigue, tachycardia, dizziness, nausea, flushed skin, nausea (common); urticaria (uncommon) and exanthema. Dry mouth, sedation or somnolence (common); nausea or dizziness.
Ideally, when any symptoms related to the use of Tanafetus occur, the patient should promptly notify the doctor for early treatment.

6. Important note when using Tanafetus

Before using Tanafetus, patients should tell their doctor if they have a history of allergy to Chlorpheniramine or any of its ingredients. Also, talk to your doctor about other medications you're currently using or planning to take.
Below are the subjects on the list of patients who need to be cautious when taking Tanafetus:
People who have had asthma, chronic bronchitis, emphysema or other lung diseases. People with glaucoma, diabetes, ulcers or difficulty urinating due to prostate disease. People with high blood pressure, heart disease, seizures or hyperthyroidism. A person who is about to have surgery, including dental surgery. Patients over 60 years of age have high sensitivity to the anti-acetylcholine effect. Pregnant women. The mother is breastfeeding. In some cases, Tanafetus medicine can bring side effects such as drowsiness, somnolence, lightheadedness, dizziness, dizziness, psychomotor impairment or blurred vision. At that time, the patient should avoid using machines, driving or performing any work that requires alertness. In addition, alcohol should be avoided during treatment with Tanafetus, as this may increase the sedative effect of the drug.
People with prostatic hypertrophy, pyloric obstruction, urinary tract obstruction or myasthenia gravis may be at risk of severe urinary retention due to the anti-acetylcholine side effect of the drug. On the other hand, Tanafetus drug also needs to be used with caution in patients with chronic lung disease, shortness of breath or shortness of breath because the drug has a risk of causing respiratory complications, apnea and respiratory depression. Prolonged treatment with Tanafetus may increase the risk of tooth decay and dry mouth.

7. What drugs can Tanafetus interact with?

Some drugs can have interactions that affect the therapeutic effect when used with Tanafetus:
Monoamine oxidase inhibitors can increase and prolong the anti-acetylcholine effect of Tanafetus. Sedatives and ethanol have the potential to increase the CNS depressant effects of chlorpheniramine. Phenytoin is metabolically inhibited when taken with chlorpheniramine and may lead to a risk of phenytoin toxicity. To get effective treatment, before using Tanafetus, patients need to carefully read the instructions for use and use the drug exactly as prescribed by a qualified doctor. If you have any problems, you can contact your doctor for in-depth advice.

This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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