Uses of the drug Novagast

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Novagast medicine is prepared in powder form for drinking, with natural ingredients Chitosan from marine creatures. This health food has the effect of neutralizing excess acid in the stomach, inhibiting Helicobacter Pylori bacteria,...

1. What are the uses of Novagast?

Novagast medicine has the ingredient Chitosan 500mg. The product is licensed by the Food Safety Authority (Ministry of Health) as a health food, not a drug, and does not have the effect of replacing medicine. The product has the following uses:
Support gastric acid reduction therapy: Normally, the stomach must secrete acid to digest food. However, if gastric juice secretes too much acid (due to stress, anxiety, erratic eating) it can cause epigastric pain, bloating, abdominal distension, heartburn or stomach ulcers. Novagast helps neutralize stomach acid, coats ulcers with Novagast biological gel; Inhibiting Helicobacter Pylori bacteria, preventing recurrence of stomach pain; Limit the absorption of fat from food, reduce cholesterol, blood uric acid, stabilize blood pressure. From there, the drug helps to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and fight obesity.

2. How to use and dose Novagast

Although it is a health protection product, users are still used to calling Novagast a medicine. After buying Novagast for use, users need to know how to use and dose the drug. Specifically:
How to use: Dissolve 1 pack of Novagast with 100ml of boiled and cooled water, stir well, drink immediately after mixing.
Dosage: Depending on the condition of the disease:
Support for the treatment of acute pain when suffering from gastritis or gout: Take 1-2 sachets/time x 3 times/day until the acute pain stops. Should be taken on an empty stomach or 1 hour before meals; Prevention of recurrent stomach pain or gout: Take 1 sachet 1 hour before each main meal; Support slimming: Drink 1 sachet/time before each main meal or drink during meals.
Thuốc Novagast cần được sử dụng đúng liều lượng

3. Notes when using Novagast

Some notes users need to remember when using Novagast:
To get the best effect of the product, users should drink plenty of water during the day; Do not eat sour (acidic) foods 1 hour before or after taking Novagast; Limit the use of Novagast to pregnant or lactating women; Use Novagast with caution for people who are allergic to food from marine sources; Novagast does not contain sugar, can be used by diabetics. Novagast is indicated for the quick treatment of heartburn, heartburn, indigestion, epigastric pain, stomach pain, ... (due to gastric acid secretion) or people with a greasy diet. , alcohol, cardiovascular disease, obesity, gout, ... Thanks to the natural ingredient Chitosan, Novagast's health protection product is safe and effective for users.
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