Uses of the drug Rodazol

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Rodazol drug with the main ingredient is Spiramycin effective in the treatment of acute and chronic oral infections. The following article will answer questions from readers such as: What drug is Rodazol? What does Rodazol do?

1. What are the effects of Rodazol?

Rodazol is a drug that belongs to the group of drugs that treat parasites, anti-bacterial or anti-viral and antifungal drugs. The drug has the main ingredients Spiramycin 750,000IU and Metronidazol 125mg.
Rodazol is an ETC drug used to treat severe infections of the respiratory tract, skin and genitals. Acute or chronic and recurrent oral infections, especially dental abscesses, inflammation and cellulitis around the jawbone. periodontitis, gingivitis or stomatitis, periodontitis , parotid gland inflammation, inflammation under the jaw. In addition, the drug also prevents re-infection after surgery.
On the other hand, patients with hypersensitivity to Metronidazol and derivatives Imidazol or Acetyl Spiramycin and pregnant women are not allowed to prescribe prescription.

2. Usage of drug Rodazol

Rodazol tablets should be taken orally, taken at least 2 hours before meals. Dosage of the drug Rodazol is as follows:
Adults: use 4-6 tablets per day, divided into 2 to 3 times. Children from 10 to 15 years old: take 1 tablet x 3 times a day. Children from 5 to 10 years old: take 1 tablet x 2 times a day. It is still best to take the medicine on time as prescribed and directed by the doctor. Taking Rodazol at the right time will ensure the best effect of the drug. The medicine can usually be taken 1 to 2 hours apart from the time ordered by your doctor. Patients should not take the drug Rodazol when it is too far for the next dose.
Some overdose symptoms such as: Nausea, vomiting and ataxia or neurotoxic effects include: convulsions and peripheral neuritis. There is currently no specific antidote for overdose, requiring symptomatic and supportive treatment.
Patients who have unusual symptoms when taking an overdose should notify their doctor or the person in charge of medical care. In case of overdose of Rodazol, there are bad symptoms that require emergency care: Immediately call 911 for guidance and help. Family members should bring medical records, all prescriptions, medicine bottles that have been and are being used so that doctors can quickly diagnose and treat

3. Rodazol drug interactions

Medicines containing the ingredient Acetyl Spiramycin should not be used concurrently with oral contraceptives because it will lose the effectiveness of birth control pills. Drugs containing Metronidazole: When used concurrently with Disulfiram causes neurotoxic effects such as psychosis, confusion. At the same time, it increases the toxicity of oral anticoagulants (such as warfarin) and increases the risk of bleeding by reducing hepatic catabolism. When used in combination, it is necessary to regularly check the level of Prothrombin and adjust the dose of anticoagulants. Increases the effects of vecuronium (a muscle relaxant) when taken together. Rodazol when used concurrently with Lithium will increase the concentration of Lithium in the blood, causing toxicity. Rodazol increases the toxicity of fluorouracil by reducing clearance. The drug when taken with alcohol causes the Antabuse effect (heat, vomiting, vomiting, heart palpitations).

4. Notes when using the drug Rodazol

Be careful when using the drug for people with liver dysfunction. Metronidazole inhibits alcohol dehydrogenase and other alcohol oxidizing enzymes. The drug has mild disulfiram-type reactions such as hot flushes, headache, nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps and sweating. Do not drink alcohol while taking the drug. Monitor white blood cell count in case of history of hematologic disorders or high dose and/or long-term treatment. Caution should be exercised when administering to patients with suspected gastric ulcer, ileitis or chronic colitis. Film-coated tablets, slow release in the body, toxic to the elderly or slow intestinal transit Study in many pregnant women using Metronidazole in the first 3 months, no cases cause any malformation. Spiramycin crosses the placenta but the concentration of the drug in the placental blood is lower than in the mother's blood, Spiramycin does not cause harm to the pregnant woman. Spiramycin and Metronidazole both pass into breast milk, avoid use while breastfeeding. The drug has no sedative effect, can be used for driving and operating machinery.

5. Side effects of the drug Rodazol

Digestive disorders: Stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. Allergic reactions: urticaria. Metallic taste in the mouth, glossitis, stomatitis. Moderate leukopenia, which is reversible upon discontinuation of the drug. Rare and associated with prolonged treatment: dizziness, loss of coordination, ataxia, paresthesia, sensory and motor polyneuritis. Urinary: Urine is reddish brown. Usually Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR) side effects go away when the drug is stopped. If there are rare side effects that are not mentioned in the leaflet. Inform your doctor or medical person immediately if you suspect the side effects of Rodazol

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