Uses of the drug Ronlla

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Ronlla drug is indicated in the treatment of infections such as ENT, respiratory, urinary kidney, blood infection,... So what is the use of Ronlla?

1. What does Ronlla do?

Ronlla drug belongs to the group of anti-infective, anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-parasitic drugs. The active ingredient in the drug is ceftriazone sodium. Ronlla is indicated in cases of infection such as:
Respiratory infections Ear, nose and throat infections Genitourinary kidney infections Blood infections Purulent meningitis Prophylaxis of infections Bone and joint infections, wounds Skin and soft tissue Peritonitis Cholecystitis Cholangitis Digestive infection

2. How to use and dosage

Ronlla drug is prepared in the form of a powder for injection, so the drug will be mixed with a solvent such as 0.9% sodium and injected intravenously. Dosage will depend on the condition of the patient and may vary with the patient's ability to respond. The recommended dosage for each subject is as follows:
For adults and children over 12 years old, the dose is 1-2 grams/day, in severe cases is 4 grams/day. Children from 15 days old to 12 years old use a dose of 20-80mg/kg. Children < 14 days old use dose from 20-50mg/kg/day Meningitis use dose from 100mg/kg, once a day, maximum dose is 4 grams. Gonorrhea use a single dose of 250mg. Preoperative prophylaxis is 1-2 grams, injected 30-90 minutes before surgery.

3. Undesirable effects when taking Ronlla

In the process of taking Ronlla medicine, it is impossible to avoid unwanted effects that may occur. Some common side effects are:
Hypersensitivity Jaundice Increased liver enzymes Acute kidney failure Severe colitis Interstitial pneumonia and shock Allergies cause serious reactions such as difficulty breathing, edema, swelling of the area face, nose, throat, rash,... If the user experiences the above symptoms, it is necessary to immediately notify a medical facility for timely intervention.

4. Some notes when using Ronlla

In the course of treatment, in order to use the drug to achieve the highest effectiveness and minimize unwanted effects, it is necessary to note a number of issues as follows:
You need to inform your doctor about your medical history. Hypersensitivity to Ronlla or any other allergy. Ronlla may contain ingredients that don't work and could cause an allergic reaction or other serious problems. Make a list of any medications you are taking to your doctor, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines, certain preservatives, herbs or foods, supplements, dyes, etc. .. Contraindicated to use Ronlla in people with hypersensitivity to ceftriaxone, phenicilline and cephalosporins. Use with caution in patients with severe renal impairment, pregnant and lactating women. Before the end of the course of treatment, the patient absolutely must not skip the dose or stop taking the drug, even though the symptoms may have been reduced. If you forget to take a dose, take it as soon as possible. However, while it is not too soon to take the next dose, you can skip the missed dose and continue taking the medicine according to your original schedule.

5. Drug interactions

Drug interactions can change the way the medicine works or increase the risk of some serious unwanted effects. There are a number of medications that are not allowed at or around the time of Ronlla treatment. In addition, there are some special cases where 2 different drugs can be used together even if they do interact. In these cases, the doctor needs to change the dose of the drug accordingly or take other precautions. Therefore, the patient should inform the doctor about the drugs and supplements that you are using. For the drug Ronlla can interact with diuretics.

6. How to store Ronlla

Ronlla medicine is stored under the following conditions:
Store at room temperature; Avoid light; Avoid humid places; Do not store Ronlla in a humid place or in the freezer. For each drug Ronlla will have a different way of preservation, so before using it, please carefully read the instructions for use and how to store the medicine. Keep the medicine in the right place and out of the reach of children. After a period of time when the medicine has expired or is damaged or moldy, it should be handled in the correct order.
In short, Ronlla is effective in treating infections. In addition, during the use of the drug will not avoid unwanted side effects occur. Therefore, if you see any abnormal signs in your body, immediately contact a medical facility for timely treatment.

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