Uses of Trimibelin 10

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Trimibelin 10 has any effect, can it treat depression? In fact, Trimibelin 10 is an antidepressant, which works to reduce anxiety, sedation and symptoms of depression.

1. What is the effect of Trimibelin 10?

Trimibelin 10 belongs to the group of antidepressants, the main ingredient is Amitriptylin 10mg. Amitriptyline is effective in reducing anxiety, sedation and symptoms of depression.
Trimibelin 10mg is made in the form of film-coated tablets and is indicated for use in the following cases:
Treatment of depression, especially endogenous depression. However, the drug has limited effect on reactive depression. Selective treatment of nocturnal enuresis in some older children (after ruling out urinary causes). Treatment of neuropathic pain.

2. Usage and dosage of Trimibelin 10

Trimibelin 10 is taken orally, taking it with water. Depending on the patient's age, medical condition, and response, the dose will vary.
Dosage of Trimibelin 10 to treat specific depression is as follows:
Adults: The initial dose is in the range of 25-100mg/day, divide this dose into 3-4 times a day; or can be used as a single dose from 50-100mg / time before bed. After that, the maintenance dose is in the range of 25 - 150mg/day, also divide this dose into 3-4 times a day or use a single dose. A dose of 300mg/day can be applied to a small number of patients treated at the hospital. Children from 12 to 18 years: The initial dose of Trimibelin 10 is 10mg / time and used 3 times / day, 20mg before bedtime. Dosage may be increased slowly but to a maximum of 100mg/day. Elderly: The initial dose of Trimibelin 10 is 10mg/time and used 3 times/day, 20mg before bedtime. The dose can be increased gradually if necessary. Note, the dose of Trimibelin 10 should be increased gradually and the dose should be increased in the afternoon or evening. Blood pressure, heart rate, and electrocardiogram should be regularly monitored in patients receiving high doses.
To evaluate the treatment effectiveness of Trimibelin 10, patients need to continue taking the drug for a long time because it may take 3-4 weeks because at this time the depressive symptoms will improve. After 1 month of treatment, if the disease does not improve, the patient should be re-examined.
Reduce the dose of Trimibelin 10 when the patient's condition improves, the lowest dose should be reduced to maintain the drug effect and continue taking the drug for at least 3 months to limit the recurrence of the disease. If discontinuation of the drug should be done gradually and the patient should be closely monitored for symptoms because the disease is likely to recur.
Dosage of Trimibelin 10 to treat nocturnal enuresis is as follows:
Children from 6 to 10 years old: Take a dose of 10 - 20mg/time/day, take it 30 minutes before bed. Children over 11 years old: Take a dose of 25-50mg/time/day, 30 minutes before bedtime. Duration of treatment should not exceed 3 months. Dosage of Trimibelin 10 to treat neuralgia in children under 12 years of age and adults is recommended as follows:
First dose: 10mg/time/day, taken in the evening. Maintenance dose: Increase gradually to 75mg/day. In all cases, in order to use Trimibelin 10 safely and effectively, patients should consult a doctor to be prescribed the appropriate dose and guide to take the medicine properly.
Overdose with Trimibelin 10 can cause symptoms such as fast or slow heart rate, shortness of breath, shallow breathing, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, weakness, convulsions, agitation, hallucinations, dilated pupils, confusion. confusion, somnolence, loss of concentration.
To manage the case of Trimibelin 10 overdose, the patient should be treated symptomatically and supportively with the following measures:
Gastric lavage with activated charcoal Maintain breathing and circulation, check body temperature Cardiovascular monitoring, electrocardiography Treat arrhythmias with Lidocaine and intravenous sodium hydrocarbonate to alkalinize the blood. Use Paraldehyde, Phenytoin, Diazepam, or inhaled anesthetic to control seizures.

3. Side effects of Trimibelin 10

Trimibelin 10 often causes some unwanted side effects such as:
Digestion: Change in taste, dry mouth, nausea, constipation. Nervous: Headache, dizziness, appetite, sweating, disorientation, excessive sedation, ataxia. Cardiovascular: Trimibelin 10 may cause orthostatic hypotension, atrioventricular block, palpitations, tachycardia, ECG changes. Eyes: Dilated pupils, blurred vision, difficulty adjusting. Genitourinary: Impotence, sexual dysfunction. If you see any symptoms after taking Trimibelin 10, the patient should stop taking the drug and notify the doctor immediately or go to a medical facility soon for a health check.

4. Some notes when using Trimibelin 10

Do not use Trimibelin 10 in people with hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the drug or people who are taking monoamine oxidase inhibitors. People with epilepsy (uncontrollable) or history of seizures, people with urinary retention, prostate enlargement, liver failure, cardiovascular disease, blood disorders, elderly people, glaucoma Angle closure, hematopoietic disorders, hyperthyroidism or thyroid treatment require caution when taking Trimibelin 10. Discontinue monoamine oxidase inhibitors at least 14 days before treatment with Trimibelin 10. Anticholinergic effects may be increased when Trimibelin 10 is co-administered with tricyclic antidepressants. Elderly people with impaired intelligence and brain damage should use low doses of Trimibelin 10 because of a higher tendency for anticholinergic reactions. For psychoactive drugs, to reduce the risk of withdrawal syndrome, it is necessary to gradually reduce the dose of Trimibelin 10. During the use of Trimibelin 10, although the disease is in remission, the risk of suicide is still there, so it is necessary to closely monitor the patient. Trimibelin 10 should be used in combination with neuroleptics for the treatment of depression associated with schizophrenia because tricyclic antidepressants may worsen psychotic symptoms. Manic episodes are likely to occur and persist in patients with manic-depressive episodes when taking Trimibelin 10. In patients with epilepsy, in order to reduce the risk of increased seizures during drug therapy, appropriate epilepsy treatment is required. Do not drive or operate machinery while taking Trimibelin 10 because it can cause drowsiness, sedation, dizziness, lightheadedness and increase the risk of an accident. While taking the drug Trimibelin 10 may occur the following risks: sensitivity to alcohol, acute glaucoma, caries. Do not use Trimibelin 10 in pregnant or lactating women, because the drug can be passed through the placenta and excreted in breast milk, affecting the newborn baby. Women in the third trimester of pregnancy should only use the drug after weighing the benefits and risks. Breastfeeding women who want to take the drug should stop breastfeeding. Trimibelin 10 if taken with tricyclic antidepressants may increase the risk of death; combination with phenothiazines may increase the risk of seizures; Combination with anticoagulants increases the risk of increased anticoagulant effect. Trimibelin 10 may interact with oral contraceptives, sex hormones and increase drug bioavailability. Arrhythmias, heart block, and disturbances in impulse conduction may occur when physostigmine is used to reverse the effects of the drug. Trimibelin 10 may interact with levodopa and reduce the bioavailability of levodopa by slowing gastric emptying. The risk of drug toxicity is increased when Trimibelin 10 is used with Cimetidine because it inhibits its metabolism and increases its concentration. The antihypertensive effect of clonidine, guanethidine or guanadrel is reduced when co-administered with Trimibelin 10. Increased cardiovascular effects with symptoms such as hypertension, arrhythmias, tachycardia, high fever may occur if Trimibelin 10 is used with sympathomimetic agents. Avoid taking Trimibelin 10 with alcohol or barbiturates because it can increase the effects of alcohol and barbiturates.

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