Uses of Trivastal 50

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Trivastal 50 is a prescription tablet commonly used for Parkinson's patients. During use, you may experience some side effects that cause body dysfunction. Therefore, always pay attention to the progress when taking the drug to notify the doctor for a timely check.

1. Uses of the drug Trivastal 50

Trivastal 50 is a drug belonging to the group of dopamine agonists. In particular, the main ingredient that makes up the drug is Piribedil, which stimulates dopamine receptors and pathways in the brain. According to clinical research, the ingredients of Trivastal drug have the ability to affect the body such as:
Promote the generation of electrical charge in the brain even during sleep Active with some clinical functions (Based on the behavioral scale). psychiatry Piribedil increases blood flow Piribedil component has a fairly high absorption capacity.The concentration of this substance will peak after 1 hour of dosing, then slowly decrease after 1.7 hours and decrease rapidly after 6.9 The drug Trivastal is metabolized by the excretory system accounted for 68% and is excreted in the bile for 25%.These figures are calculated after 24 hours from various results.During 24 hours, 50% of the drug is excreted. and is completely excreted in the next 24 hours
Thus, Trivastal is used to treat Parkinson's disease. You can be treated alone or in combination with dopamine therapy. trembling expression.

2. Dosage of Trivastal 50

Trivastal 50mg drug is made in the form of tablets and only used when prescribed by a doctor. When taking the drug, you should note that the tablet must be intact to ensure its pharmacological properties as directed. And take medicine after eating. Dosage will be adjusted according to the treatment method and the actual condition of the patient.
Single treatment should take 3 -5 tablets equivalent to 150 - 250 mg per day. With this dose you should divide it from 3 to 5 times a day When used in combination with dopamine therapy, the dose should be reduced to 80 - 140 mg. This dose will combine 20 mg of Trivastal and 100 mg of dopamine therapy. During treatment with Trivastal, your doctor may prompt you to increase the dose to 1 tablet per day. And the time for 1 course of using the drug is 3 days. The above doses are the average according to the study. In fact, this medicine is prescribed, so you will be instructed by your doctor when you check the disease.
Overdose will cause many health dangers. And you often overdose when you miss a dose but find out at the time of starting your next dose. Therefore, skip the missed dose if it is almost time for your next dose.

3. Some notes when using drugs

3.1 Subjects contraindicated to use Trivasal 50 mg Patients with documented allergy to excipients or Piribedil People who have experienced shock affecting cardiovascular health Patients diagnosed with acute myocardial infarction People who are using sedatives, antiemetics and antipsychotics (except Clozapine) 3.2 Symptoms to watch out for after taking the drug Using Trivasal can make you often feel sleepy and prolonged sleep. This is a sign that needs to be checked quickly. If there are abnormal psychological reactions, do not be subjective. Especially the behaviors that are difficult to control should also be reported to the doctor early to check to rule out.
You may have a disorder of psychological control and behavior such as falling into evil or an abnormal increase in sexual desire. In this case, the doctor will adjust the dose. In elderly patients, balance may be lost due to low blood pressure, too much sleep, or impaired memory, causing confusion. If you are intolerant to fructose, you will not be able to use the medicine. Even the body's poor metabolism or difficult to absorb glucose and galactose should be noted should not be used.

4. What side effects may appear when taking

Common Side Effects Confusion Hallucinations Anxiety Dizziness Always Drowsiness Uncommon Side Effects Low Blood Pressure Fainting Fatigue Very Rare Side Effects Mobility Disorders Drowsiness Here is a Information about Trivastal drug for your reference. To avoid the risk of side effects, you should take the medicine as directed by your doctor. At the same time, always check your health periodically to prevent unintended interactions.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.


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