What are the uses of Farzincol 10mg?

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Zinc is an important nutrient for human health. When experiencing zinc deficiency, patients are often prescribed zinc drug farzincol. So what is the effect of Farzincol 10mg?

1. What is Farzincol 10mg? In zinc farzincol medicine contains the main ingredient is zinc gluconate 70mg, equivalent to 10mg zinc. This is a very important micronutrient for the development of the human body. Farzincol 10mg is a popular drug, usually made in tablet form, which can be found in all large and small pharmacies and is used by doctors to support the treatment of many different diseases.
2. What are the effects of Farzincol 10mg? Almost every time there is an illness caused by iron deficiency, the prescription will include Farzincol 10mg. These can be mentioned as:
Digestive disorders causing loss of appetite, constipation, bloating, slow digestion, nausea, especially during pregnancy Insomnia, difficulty sleeping, making children cry at night and can't sleep. Headache, weakness Malnutrition, dry skin, dry eyes, night blindness, respiratory tract, digestive tract, skin infections Difficult-to-heal wounds such as burns, open wounds Severe iron-deficiency conditions such as enteritis , hair loss, white spots on fingernails and toenails, anal inflammation, diarrhea, ...
farzincol 10mg
Thuốc farzincol 10mg một loại thuốc phổ biến, thường được điều chế thành dạng viên nén

3. To whom is zinc farzincol indicated? Using farzincol 10mg in the right way for the right people will support very well in the treatment of diseases. Zinc farzincol can help supplement zinc directly in the body or through the diet. The subjects who should use farzincol zinc drug are listed as:
Children with rickets, malnutrition, growth retardation Pregnant or lactating women People who are following a diet or For a long time, the patient has not been able to fully supplement the groups of nutrients. The patient has to supplement with nutrition and food intravenously. The subjects should not use zinc farzincol medicine, that is: people with a history of allergy to any ingredient in the drug or patients with stomach ulcers, duodenal ulcers and acute vomiting absolutely must not Use farzincol 10mg.

4. How to use farzincol 10mg? For each different disease, each different health condition will have an appropriate use of zinc farzincol medicine. It is necessary to have detailed instructions from a doctor before using the drug, not self-administering can easily lead to counterproductive conditions. There are some notes on how to use the drug:
With all farzincol zinc drugs used by direct oral administration, there are instructions for use attached. Patients must carefully read the instructions for use before use. Do not take farzincol pills but must use it with water. Farzincol can be absorbed best when the body is full, that is, it should be taken after meals. For young children who cannot take the full dose of a pill, parents need to take it. Crush the medicine, add a little sugar to make it easier to drink. Then dissolve it with warm water and give it to the child to drink. The dose used will be consistent with the intended use of the drug. For those who use farzincol to supplement daily nutrition, can use from half a tablet to two tablets depending on the condition of each person. As for patients using drugs to treat disease, the dose should be divided into 1 to 2 times per day. During the treatment period, it is necessary to follow the doctor's supervision, when the symptoms gradually improve, the dose should be gradually reduced. Normally, for young children should take 2 times a day, each time is 1⁄2 tablets. As for adults, it will be one tablet each time, twice daily.
farzincol 10mg
Phụ nữ mang thai nên sử dụng thuốc kẽm farzincol 10mg

5. Notes to know when using farzincol zinc? Zinc farzincol 10mg is a fairly benign drug, with almost no side effects when used, causing adverse health effects. But there are also a few cases after use will feel stomach discomfort but will also quickly subside.
Farzincol 10mg can interact and react with some foods or with alcohol, tobacco. It is best for patients to limit and avoid alcohol and drugs during the time of drug use.
There are a few drugs that can interact with farzincol when used together such as tetracycline, ciprofloxacin, or preparations containing iron and copper components. Therefore, farzincol should not be used at the same time with drugs containing calcium and iron. Should extend the time to use two types at least from 2 hours to 3 hours. This will help avoid the possibility of direct contact between the two drugs, promoting their best effects.
Thanks to the effect that farzincol zinc drug can be used for both pregnant women, during lactation and for young children. But people who need to have great concentration such as drivers, students studying for exams or office workers can use drugs during working hours. Because farzincol does not cause headaches, dizziness or drowsiness.
There are many cases of overdose or forgetting to use drugs, needing to have the right solution. For patients who overdose, it is necessary to go to the nearest medical facility to avoid drug shock. If you miss a dose, take it as soon as you remember it. If the time to forget is too long, attached to the next dose, you should skip the old dose and use the schedule. Do not use a double dose to make up.
As with any medicine, it should be kept out of reach of small children and out of reach of pets. Avoid leaving the medicine outdoors, in direct sunlight or in humid places. The drug should be stored in a cool, dry place, preferably at a temperature below 30 degrees.
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This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.


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