What diseases does Devodil treat?

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Devodil is a medication for the treatment of mental illnesses as directed by a doctor. So what exactly does Devodil drug treat and Devodil drug taken before or after eating? Follow the following article to get the answer.

1. What disease is Devodil medicine?

What is Devodil 50mg? Devodil is made in the form of tablets, the main ingredient in each tablet is Sulpiride 50mg. This is an active substance with antipsychotic and antipsychotic effects, antidepressant through the mechanism of selective blockade of dopamine D2 receptors in the brain.
Devodil 50mg is indicated in the following cases:
Treatment of symptoms of acute and chronic schizophrenia including:
Negative symptoms include: marked apathy, emotional responses Corrupt, inappropriate contact often leads to social isolation or reduced work performance, poor language,.. Positive symptoms include: Disorders of formal thinking, delusions, hallucinations, intermittent thinking,... The patient has mixed positive and negative symptoms. Symptoms of severe conduct disorder: Agitation, self-injury, behavioral disturbances... in children over 6 years of age, especially in autistic syndromes.
Devodil 50mg is contraindicated in the following cases:
People with hypersensitivity to sulpiride or to any of its ingredients. Patients with acute porphyria. People with liver disease, severe kidney disease. People with alcohol intoxication and other disorders that impair liver function. Patients with prolactin-dependent tumors such as pituitary adenomas and breast cancer.

2. Devodil drug taken before or after eating?

After learning what medicine Devodil treats, many patients wonder whether Devodil is taken before or after eating? Accordingly, the way to use Devodil drug is as follows:
The drug is used orally. The patient can take the medicine before or after a meal with a full glass of water. The dose of Devodil should be according to the doctor's prescription. Dosage recommendations in specific cases are as follows:
Adults : It is recommended to use a starting dose of 400-800mg per day, divided into two times (morning and evening).
Treatment of negative symptoms: Use the starting dose is 200-400mg/time, the maximum dose is 800mg/day. Treatment of positive symptoms: Use a starting dose of at least 400mg/time, the dose can be increased in each specific case, up to a maximum of 1200mg/day. Treatment of patients with mixed positive and negative symptoms using a dose of 400-600 mg/time. Children: For children over 6 years old, treating behavioral disorders is used at a dose of 5-10mg/kg/day.
If you forget to take a dose of Devodil, you may skip the missed dose, you should mark the dosing schedule to avoid forgetting the dose next time. Do not use a double dose to make up for the missed one.
When overdosing Devodil, there may be movement disorders or dystonia in the tongue and stiffness of the jaw. There is no specific antidote to Devodil. The treatment of overdose is symptomatic treatment combined with cardio-respiratory resuscitation, continuous monitoring until recovery.

3. Devodil side effects

Some possible side effects when taking Devodil include:
Common side effects:
Drowsiness. Feeling shaky or jittery Unusual or uncontrollable muscle movements. Constipation. Weight gain Difficulty sleeping Erectile dysfunction Breast discomfort, hyperprolactinemia, breast enlargement in men. Women experiencing menstrual problems Rash. Rare side effects of Devodil include: muscle stiffness, high fever, fast heart rate, and sweating. If you develop these symptoms contact your doctor immediately.
Inform your doctor immediately if you experience any side effects when taking Devodil for timely treatment.

4. Devodil drug interactions with other drugs

When using Devodil with Levodopa, there will be competitive antagonism with Sulpiride, so the combination of Devodil with Levodopa is contraindicated. Sucralfate and antacids containing aluminum or magnesium hydroxide when used together with Devodil will reduce the absorption of Sulpiride. Therefore, Devodil should be used about 2 hours after taking the above drugs to avoid interactions. When using Devodil together with antihypertensive drugs, it will increase the antihypertensive effect, so it should be noted when combining treatment. When using Devodil with other CNS depressants, it will increase the nervous depressant effect, which can cause adverse consequences, especially for drivers and operators. when coordinating. Concomitant use of Devodil with Lithium may cause extrapyramidal disorders of sulpiride. When using alcohol with the drug Devodil will have a synergistic effect to increase the possibility of sedation, so do not drink alcohol and alcoholic beverages while taking Devodil 50mg. Devodil is a medication used to treat psychiatric conditions. To ensure the effectiveness of treatment and avoid side effects, users need to strictly follow the instructions of the doctor or pharmacist.
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This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.


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