What is Amkuk? Effects and dosage

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The effect of Amkuk is to treat iron deficiency, or iron deficiency anemia, or anemia secondary to chronic blood loss. So what is the dose of Amkuk?

1. What is Amkuk?

Amkuk is a drug containing iron in the form of iron III - hydroxide polymaltose complex, used to supplement iron, specifically in 5ml of solution containing 50mg of iron III.

2. Effects of the drug Amkuk

The effects of Amkuk are as follows:
Treatment of iron deficiency leading to anemia (iron deficiency anemia). Treatment of iron deficiency, helps restore the amount of iron stored in the body. Treatment of secondary anemia, re-synthesis of blood cells. With the above effect, Amkuk drug is used with subjects such as:
Adults with chronic blood loss. Women who are pregnant and breastfeeding.

3. Dosage of Amkuk

Depending on each subject, the specific dose of Amkuk is as follows:
Adults: 4 - 8ml/day (equivalent to 40 - 80mg iron III). Children: 1.5ml/day (about 4mg iron III). Or the dose can also be directed and prescribed by the doctor.
How to take Amkuk: Take it directly or dilute it with a little water to make it easier to drink. Take before meals for better absorption.

4. Contraindications of the drug Amkuk

Amkuk drug is contraindicated in the following cases:
Hypersensitivity, allergy to any ingredient of the drug. Have iron-contaminated cells or iron pigment. Hemolytic anemia, anemia due to malabsorption, loss of function of using iron, aplastic anemia.
Thuốc Amkuk được dùng để điều trị thiếu sắt

5. Notes when using Amkuk

Need to inform the doctor about your current condition including: medical history, pregnancy or lactation, allergies, medications being taken, acquired disease being treated, .. .. before taking the medicine. Using more than one drug can lead to drug interactions. Avoid using tobacco, alcohol, stimulants when taking the drug because it can cause drug interactions. In case of taking Amkuk drug overdose can cause reactions such as nausea, vomiting, epigastric pain, drowsiness, cyanosis, the most dangerous is coma. Therefore, caution should be exercised in taking the drug. To treat an overdose, the person taking the drink should be induced to vomit immediately, if necessary, gastric lavage or other concurrent supportive therapies may be used. Amkuk is a medicine used to treat common iron deficiency, especially people with iron deficiency anemia, chronic anemia.
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