What is Taurine solopharm 4?

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Taurine solopharm is an eye drop containing the amino acid Taurine. The drug is used to support the treatment of keratitis, corneal injury and prevent dry eyes, eye fatigue caused by dust or using phones and computers.

1. What is Taurine solopharm 4?

Taurine solopharm eye drops 4% contains the main active ingredient Taurine 40mg. Taurine is a sulfur-containing amino acid formed during the metabolism of cysteine. Taurine has the effect of stimulating the process of repair and regeneration of the epithelium in dystrophic diseases, and helps to eliminate metabolic disorders of eye cells. It promotes the functions of cell membranes, stimulates energy generation, metabolism and maintains the electrolyte composition in cell fluids.

2. What are the uses of Taurine solopharm 4?

Taurine Solopharm 4% is indicated for the treatment of:
Patients with keratitis, corneal dystrophy, impaired disease and eye trauma, cataracts (due to old age, radiation, etc.) diabetes or trauma,). Patients with corneal trauma, keratitis. The drug acts as a stimulant of the recovery processes due to corneal damage, postoperative corneal dystrophy, pterygium surgery, corneal re-epithelialization in corneal ulcers and elimination of metabolic disturbances. eye cells, promote the normal function of cell membranes, optimize energy generation and metabolism). It also aids in the treatment of glaucoma (in combination with β-blockers to improve fluid flow in the eyeball). Preventing and coordinating treatment of myopia, dry eyes, reducing burning symptoms, eye fatigue caused by dust, air conditioners, long-term use of phones and computers or frequent wearing of contact lenses .

3. How to use Taurine solopharm eye drops

Taurine solution - Solopharm 4% is used as eye drops. Usage is as follows:
With clean hands, separate the solution tube, hold the cap of the rotating tube so that the cap separates from the body of the vial. Place the solution into the corneal sac, squeeze the dropper gently, and blink several times to spread the solution evenly over the retina of the eye. Do not use a knife or scissors to cut the tip of the solution tube because it can cause infection. If the patient must use multiple other eye drops concurrently, the interval between Taurine eye drops and other medications should be at least 10-15 minutes.

4. Dosage of Taurine solopharm . eye drops

Patients with myopia or prevention of myopia: The recommended dose is 1-2 drops in each eye, 2-4 times daily, for 3 months. Repeat treatment after 1 month. Cataracts: Instill 1-2 drops of Taurine - Solopharm solution 4% into each eye, 2-4 times daily, for 3 months. Repeat treatment after 1 month. Corneal dystrophy and keratitis: Apply Taurine - Solopharm solution 4% with the same dose as above within 1 month. Please note the above dosage is for reference only. Patients should consult their doctor or pharmacist for the appropriate dose.

5. Undesirable effects when using eye drops Taurine solopharm

Common, ADR >1/100: Currently not reported. Uncommon, 1/1000 < ADR < 1/100: Currently not reported. Frequency not known: Temporary eye discomfort when using the solution. In general, eye drops Taurine solopharm has the effect of stimulating the process of repair and regeneration of the eye epithelium, helping to eliminate metabolic disorders of eye cells and promote the functions of cell membranes. Therefore, patients should not self-medicate, but should consult a medical professional before using.
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This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.


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