Can I take zinc and calcium at the same time?

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Zinc and calcium are two minerals that play an important role in the physical and intellectual development of children, especially in the "golden period" before the age of 5. Zinc and calcium deficiency is the leading cause of stunting and growth retardation in children. However, not all parents know how to properly supplement zinc for children.

1. Can I take zinc and calcium at the same time?

Calcium is one of the most common and most commonly used minerals in the human body. It not only plays an essential role in the development of bones and teeth, but also plays an important role in maintaining muscle activity, blood circulation, signaling to nerve cells, and helping to regulate blood sugar levels. hormone numbers.
Zinc is an essential trace mineral, zinc interferes with glucose, protein and nucleic acid metabolism. Zinc deficiency in children will adversely affect height growth and the health of the body's immune system.
Should not be supplemented with zinc and calcium at the same time because:
Calcium increases zinc excretion causing a decrease in the absorption rate of zinc in the body. When zinc and iron are supplemented at the same time, zinc absorption may be reduced when iron levels are above 25mg/day. Parents are advised to take iron and zinc supplements far apart (at least 2 hours), use zinc first because iron will interfere with zinc absorption.

2. Dosage of zinc supplements for children

The daily need for zinc of children in each period is not the same.
According to the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO), the zinc requirements for children by age are as follows:
Under 6 months old: 2mg/day. From 7 to 12 months old: 3mg/day. From 4 to 8 years old: 5mg/day. The doctor-recommended dose is no more than 150mg of zinc per day. If calculated incorrectly, causing children to absorb too much zinc needed can lead to complications such as nausea, vomiting, vomiting, diarrhea, headache or abdominal cramps. Long-term overdose of zinc will lead to long-term toxic consequences.

3. Proper zinc supplementation

Solutions to properly supplement zinc should be taken to avoid the child's poor health by:
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Encourage a variety of foods in children's meals, use zinc-rich foods, change eating habits in favor of zinc absorption. For children under 6 months of age, zinc should be properly supplemented from breast milk. Breastfeed exclusively for 6 months and continue breastfeeding for up to 24 months. For babies from 6 months of age and older, zinc can be supplemented through food and supplements prescribed by a doctor. Supplement with zinc-containing drugs or supplements (zinc gluconate or zinc sulfate). Drink 30 minutes after eating. The additional period is 2 - 3 months; Zinc reduces iron absorption so if zinc and iron supplements are taken at the same time, take them apart (at least 2 hours). Should not be supplemented with zinc and calcium at the same time: Calcium increases zinc excretion, causing a decrease in the absorption rate of zinc in the body; Prophylaxis and treatment of diseases related to zinc deficiency. Increase the absorption of zinc by enhancing foods rich in vitamin C such as green vegetables, fruits, processing such as sprouting bean sprouts, fermenting pickles to increase vitamin C content, reducing phytic acid in foods due to increased vitamin C content. This increases iron/zinc absorption from the diet. Use zinc-rich foods such as animal foods such as crabs, beef, shrimp, meat, fish,... Use zinc-rich foods properly in the community such as zinc-fortified seasonings, biscuits zinc supplements, zinc-fortified wheat flour, zinc-fortified instant noodles, nutritional powders, milk, zinc-fortified nuggets,...) in children's daily meals. Should supplement zinc for children with anorexia, growth retardation, pregnant and lactating women. Supplementing with zinc-containing drugs (zinc gluconate or zinc sulfate); drink 30 minutes after eating; Additional time is 2 - 3 months as prescribed by the doctor. Treat diseases that cause zinc deficiency in children before supplementation such as digestive disorders. Proper zinc supplementation requires vitamin A, B6, C and phosphorus as they increase zinc absorption. When taking both iron and zinc, you should give your child zinc first, then iron because iron interferes with zinc absorption. Avoid excess supplements that cause reduced immunity. In addition, to strengthen children's resistance, in addition to zinc supplementation, parents should vaccinate their children on schedule to prevent infections such as measles, diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, tuberculosis, polio, hepatitis B, Japanese encephalitis B; Periodic deworming for children from 2 years old and above with a cycle of every 6 months.

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This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.


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