What medicine to take to stop menstruation?

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Temporarily stopping menstruation is a measure to prevent ovulation during the menstrual cycle. To temporarily delay menstruation, some drugs are synthetic hormones to inhibit ovulation.

1. How to slow down the menstrual cycle

Sometimes, because of a plan in the near future, you want to temporarily change your menstrual cycle. It's impossible to say for sure that taking pills can delay your period, but there are still some medications you can take to slow your period.
1.1. Using birth control pills If you're using some form of birth control, replace it with a combination of estrogen and progesterone to help delay your period.
Because when taking the drug continuously, the amount of hormone in the blood does not have a sudden decrease, so it does not cause the uterine lining to shed, thereby helping to avoid menstruation.
How to use combined oral contraceptives to delay your period depends on whether you are taking the 21-day or the 28-day pill.
If you are using 21 pills: When you finish taking 21 days, instead of taking 7 days off to give your period time, you will not take a break but continue to take the next pack. That way there is no sudden drop in hormone levels and there won't be any menstrual bleeding. If using the 28-tablet blister pack: 21 of which will be effective and 7 of different colors will not work, just to avoid forgetting the pill and maybe it's an iron supplement for you. To avoid the next period, skip the 7 different colored placebo pills and continue taking the next pack in the direction of the arrow. However, if you are taking a progesterone-only contraceptive, you cannot stop your period by taking two packs in a row without interval. In this case, you can change the method to delay your period or use a combined method of contraception to stop your period if there are no contraindications to the combined method, and you are not breastfeeding. ,... If you can't tell if a pill you're taking is a combination or a progesterone-only drug, consult your pharmacist or doctor.
When you take two consecutive packs of birth control pills to slow down your menstrual cycle, you may experience some problems such as:
Feeling tired, vomiting, nausea. Headaches, mood swings. May cause little vaginal bleeding in the middle of taking the pill. Slight weight gain, feeling of tightness in the chest. Occasionally, diarrhea may occur.
mang thai sau ngừng uống thuốc tránh thai
Thuốc tránh thai có thể giúp bạn làm chậm chu kỳ kinh nguyệt

1.2. Using norethisterone If you are not married, do not use birth control pills, or do not want to use birth control pills as a method of stopping menstruation, you wonder what medicine to take to stop your period? See your doctor for a prescription. Your doctor will usually prescribe you a medication called norethisterone, which is taken before your period to delay your period.
Nature Norethisterone is a synthetic progesterone hormone similar to the hormone progesterone that we naturally produce by the ovaries. During the menstrual cycle, the level of the hormone progesterone drops suddenly, causing the lining of your uterus to shed and menstruating. If during a cycle, the amount of progesterone is used throughout, the concentration will not decrease, thereby preventing menstruation from taking place.
How to use norethisterone to delay menstruation:
You start taking 3 pills a day 3 to 4 days before your period. You can use it for up to 20 days. When you stop taking the pill, your period will start within the next 2 to 3 days. Note, this is only a method of delaying menstruation, not a contraceptive pill, you still have a risk of pregnancy if you have unprotected sex. You need to use another type of birth control, such as a condom, to prevent an unwanted pregnancy.
In some cases, the use of norethisterone is not recommended, such as: History of blood clots, liver tumors, breast cancer, history of jaundice during pregnancy and severe vascular diseases.
Some women take norethisterone may experience side effects, such as:
Breast tightness. Nausea. Headache. Mood disorders and sexual desire. Abdominal bloating and pain when taking the drug. Have acne. Abnormal vaginal bleeding.
khi nào trẻ có kinh nguyệt
Norethisterone là thuốc được dùng trước chu kỳ kinh nhằm làm chậm chu kỳ kinh nguyệt

2. Notes when taking pills to slow down the menstrual cycle

Menstrual cycle is a natural thing of the body, regulated by hormonal factors in the body. Temporarily delaying a period may not have a big effect, but it should not be abused to delay your period for too long.
Make sure you don't have any contraindications to oral medications that delay menstruation. For example, if you have heart disease, breast tumor or blood clot,... Delaying your period can cause abnormal vaginal bleeding at a certain time, so be careful not to use more than two birth control packs. combined to delay menstruation. Sometimes, taking the medicine is not certain that it will work, so in some cases it can still fail despite taking the medicine correctly. So, you already know what to take to stop your period. However, they should not be abused because they can potentially affect your health and cause some unpleasant side effects for you. It is important that you consult your doctor for more specific advice, especially those with risk factors for blood clots, coronary heart disease,...
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Reference sources: suckhoedoisong.vn, patient.info, nhs.uk
This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.


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