What to do when right stomach pain?

Right side abdominal pain is a common symptom, making the patient feel very uncomfortable about this condition. Right-sided abdominal pain comes from many different causes, so when you have symptoms, you should go to the hospital to be checked and diagnosed by a doctor.

1. Right side abdominal pain location

Common abdominal pain sites are divided into 9 areas, which are:
Above the navel; Around the navel; Below the navel; On the left flank; On the right flank; Below the left flank; Under the right flank; Left iliac fossa; Right iliac fossa. Besides, the method of dividing the abdomen into 4 main parts, namely the upper and lower left abdomen, and the upper and lower right abdomen, is also applied to a lot of clinical examination. In particular, right abdominal pain is the location related to a number of organ systems such as liver, gallbladder, large intestine, appendix... Therefore, it is necessary to determine the exact location of right abdominal pain. no, or in other locations, from which the appropriate risk of disease can be localized. The correct way to determine the right abdominal pain is from below the ribs to the right pubic area.
Common symptoms of right abdominal pain are: Dull pain, sometimes severe cramping, affecting the patient's activities and work. At this time, if there is force on the abdomen, the patient will have more pain, lying down will help. Accompanying symptoms may be fever, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, weakness...
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2. What is right side abdominal pain?

Right side abdominal pain in each area will be caused by different causes as follows:
2.1. Pain in the upper right abdomen is usually caused by liver diseases such as inflammation, cancer. The pain is usually mild, tends to be dull, with some accompanying symptoms that are easy to recognize clinically such as jaundice, yellow eyes, abnormal weight loss, feeling of body always tired, loss of appetite.
Another cause of right abdominal pain is inflammation of the gallbladder, bile ducts or worms in the bile ducts. The pain in this case usually comes in waves, each episode is very intense.
Right pyelonephritis is also the cause of right abdominal pain, the pain spreads from the back to the right abdomen. Some other organs also cause right abdominal pain such as right lung, large intestine...
2.2. Right lower abdominal pain The common cause of right lower abdominal pain is acute appendicitis, pain from the navel to the right lower abdomen, pain when sitting and lying down. This is a condition that requires immediate medical attention.
A possible cause of lower right abdominal pain for women is dysmenorrhea, at this time abdominal pain accompanied by menstrual bleeding should be recognizable.
Cystitis also causes pain in the lower right abdomen, patients often have severe pain near the pubic bone, along with abnormalities when urinating such as pain, bleeding and pus...
For pregnant women, this Could be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy. The symptom is pain in the lower right abdomen accompanied by bleeding in the small intestine, ovary. This is considered an extremely dangerous disease that needs to be detected early.
In addition, there are many possible causes of lower right abdominal pain such as ovarian cysts, intestinal tuberculosis...
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3. What to do when right stomach pain?

Because there are many possible causes of this condition, the patient should be taken to the hospital as soon as symptoms are detected. The doctor will examine, perform tests and diagnostic imaging to help determine the cause and treat the disease according to the cause. If it is an inflammation of the organ, then it may be necessary to treat with antibiotics according to the specific regimen. The cause of right-sided abdominal pain due to appendicitis, ectopic pregnancy, cystitis or ovarian cyst... it may be necessary to consider surgical methods.
During the time at home and not yet going to the hospital, the patient should not arbitrarily buy medicine, need to rest in place, limit vigorous exercise, can apply heat or rub the abdomen to reduce pain. Then, as soon as possible, go to the nearest hospital for medical assistance.
Right side abdominal pain is a very common condition, the causes are extremely diverse and complex, so it should be diagnosed by a doctor with expertise in this issue. If a patient has symptoms of right abdominal pain, they need to go to the hospital to be examined by a doctor and find out the exact cause of the disease.

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