Do not hide when children are violent

School violence is a concern and concern of many parents who have children sitting in school. So parents as well as children need to be equipped with knowledge to avoid the risk of violence. Around this issue, the Customs Newspaper reporter had an interview with doctor Quach Thuy Minh- Center for Autism Disease and Treatment, Vinmec International General Hospital (photo).

Doctor Quach Thuy Minh- Center for Autism Disease and Treatment, Vinmec International General Hospital.
Doctor, the situation of school violence seems to be increasing day by day with many complications that make parents feel uneasy, what can you say about the above alarming fact? Violence against children in general or school violence in particular, when occurring at any place, will seriously affect the health, physical harm, and possibly even the life of children. However, what is more dangerous than physical injuries are major mental injuries, which will be difficult to recover in the near future. When a child experiences violence at school, it will cause two states, first, the child may withdraw, withdraw, avoid, fear, fear loss of confidence, sadness, anxiety, and not focus on studying. The second state is that after being abused, the child becomes violent, impulsive, difficult to control, reacts violently to his abuser and to those around him. And after all those negative reactions, the child will become a person who lacks faith in life, always feels insecure, cannot find joy and happiness in work. The serious consequences that occur when children suffer from school violence are easy to recognize, so what should parents and teachers do to help children minimize the mental trauma caused by school violence? out, doctor? Parents of children who have suffered school violence should not hide but should be more open to public opinion. With the children themselves, parents need to learn how to be friends with the child to understand the child's feelings and emotions, not to impose subjective thoughts on the child. If the problem can't be solved, parents can go to reputable psychological centers for doctors to support skills to help children express their feelings. With schools, there should be many collective activities and community activities so that children have many opportunities to exchange and share, learn social skills and approach many different situations, thereby having different behaviors. suitable. In addition, schools also need to create conditions for children to interact with workers and unlucky people in society so that children can see that there are still unfortunate lives that need help, so think humanely. will gradually form in the thought of helping children grow up to be people with purpose and ideals. In fact, schools are still quite passive in helping children prevent school violence, so according to doctors, schools should now organize courses on school violence to help children avoid school violence. escape the violence trap? It is essential that schools organize courses on school violence and should start as soon as possible. Such courses will teach children coping skills when violence occurs. In addition, I think that schools should find ways to help children suffering from violence who are suffering from emotional trauma, so that children can feel that they are cared for and not abandoned. Children suffering from violence are like birds afraid of bent branches, so it is easy for children to lose faith in life. So more than ever, family, friends, teachers must be the solid spiritual support to help children overcome pain and integrate into life. Thank you doctor!
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