What is systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS)?

Systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) is a serious condition caused by an "attack" in the body of nonspecific lesions, such as infection, trauma, or inflammation.

1. What is systemic inflammatory response syndrome?

Systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) are clinical signs produced by the activation of the entire body's immune system. This syndrome is like a self-defense mechanism of the body. Inflammation is the body's response to nonspecific damage such as chemical irritation, trauma, or infection.
Systemic inflammatory response syndrome is defined when at least 2/4 of the criteria, 1 of 2 mandatory criteria is abnormal body temperature and peripheral blood leukocytes:
Central body temperature > 38 degrees C or < 36 degrees C. Heart rate > 90 beats/min. Respiratory rate > 20 beats/min or PaCO2 < 32 mmHg. Leukocytes > 12,000/mL or < 4,000/mL or > 10% of peripheral blood cells. Systemic inflammatory response syndrome is sometimes confused with sepsis, but there is one key difference between the two, which is the presence of infection. SIRS can occur after trauma, inflammation, ischemia, or infection, while sepsis occurs only when infection is present. SIRS does not always occur after physical trauma but is a potential complication of them. When an infection is present, SIRS can progress to sepsis if not treated promptly.
thiếu máu cục bộ
Thiếu máu cục bộ có thể gây ra hội chứng đáp ứng viêm toàn thân (SIRS)

2. Causes of systemic inflammatory response syndrome

The cause of systemic inflammatory response syndrome may be infection. However, this is not the only cause of this syndrome.
Some infectious causes of SIRS: bacteremia, infection in burns, candidiasis, subcutaneous tissue inflammation, cholecystitis, community-acquired pneumonia, diabetic foot infection, erysipelas, inflammation infective endocarditis, influenza, abdominal cavity infection (diverticulitis, appendicitis), gas gangrene, meningitis, hospital-acquired pneumonia, pseudomembranous colitis, pyelonephritis, arthritis pus, urinary tract infection, toxic shock syndrome,... Some non-infectious causes of SIRS: Acute mesenteric anemia, immune disorders, burns, chemical inhalation, cirrhosis, loss of liver water, drug reactions, electrical damage, rash multiforme, dengue fever, intestinal perforation, drug side effects (theophylline), myocardial infarction, acute pancreatitis, substance abuse (cocaine, amphetamines) ), surgical procedures, toxic epidermal necrolysis, blood transfusion reactions, vasculitis,...
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Xơ gan cũng có thể gây ra hội chứng đáp ứng viêm toàn thân (SIRS)

3. How is systemic inflammatory response syndrome treated?

Diagnosis of systemic inflammatory response syndrome is based on the presence of the above symptoms along with some trauma to the body. When SIRS is suspected, the doctor may order some laboratory tests such as blood cultures, lactic acidosis, and complete blood count.
There is no selective drug for systemic inflammatory response syndrome. Treatment is mainly based on the cause of SIRS. For example, if systemic inflammatory response syndrome is caused by ischemia, or blockage of blood flow to an area of ​​the body, treatment is aimed at restoring blood flow to the affected area. along with adjuvant therapy to treat symptoms. If SIRS occurs after a heart attack, treatment is aimed at maintaining heart function and controlling any symptoms caused by SIRS. SIRS is sometimes even thought of as a defense mechanism for the body as it is essentially a complex process in which the body tries to 'fight' the damaging effects of the body.
When feasible, culture should be performed prior to antibiotic administration. Empiric antibiotics are not recommended for all patients with systemic inflammatory response syndrome. Indications for antibiotics include:
Suspected bacterial cause. Hemodynamically unstable. Low white blood cell count (or other immunocompromised condition). Splenectomy or equivalent cause (due to severe infection after splenectomy). Systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) can leave dangerous complications if not examined and treated promptly. Therefore, when detecting signs of disease, patients need to go to medical centers for examination and treatment.
xét nghiệm công thức máu
Xét nghiệm công thức máu giúp chẩn đoán hội chứng đáp ứng viêm toàn thân (SIRS)

Vinmec International General Hospital is a general hospital with the function of examining and treating pathological diseases, as well as providing emergency and lifesaving surgery for many difficult cases. At Vinmec, endoscopic diagnosis and treatment with modern medical methods have been carried out with high efficiency, minimizing complications of recurrent disease. The great success is because Vinmec is always fully equipped with modern facilities, examination and treatment procedures are carried out by a team of experienced and qualified doctors that will bring about treatment results. optimal for customers.
To register for medical examination and treatment at Vinmec International General Hospital, you can contact Vinmec Health System nationwide, or register online HERE.
Reference source: study.com

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