Reasons to change tampons often

During menstruation, intimate hygiene is important. Changing tampons regularly not only makes the body comfortable but also avoids the agents that cause gynecological infections.

1. How often to change tampons

When it's time to menstruate, changing tampons regularly is essential to ensure the safety of the private area. When menstrual blood has been released from the body, it is very likely to be infected with bacteria, so if you do not change the dressing regularly, those bacteria will re-enter the body. Even if the bleeding is less in the last few days, the tampon may not be full, but it still needs to be changed.
Appropriate time for dressing change is every 6 hours. The dressing can be changed at least every 4-8 hours or whenever the dressing feels too wet or feels uncomfortable or wet. Women with more blood loss will need to change more often.
For those who use tampons too, it should be changed at least every 4-8 hours. Leaving tampons in the vagina for a long time may be associated with toxic shock syndrome. If menstrual bleeding is too much, then tampons need to be changed more often.
Also, some people use menstrual cups that are made of plastic or rubber. Use a menstrual cup by inserting it into your vagina to catch the flow of your period. Menstrual cups last longer than tampons and tampons, can be changed every 8-12 hours, removed and cleaned and reused. However, some menstrual cups can only be used once and thrown away.
Phụ nữ đau
Thời gian thích hợp cho việc thay băng là cách nhau mỗi 6 giờ 1 lần

2. Change tampons properly

Before changing tampons, you need to wash your hands, because dirty hands will be an opportunity for bacteria to live. When contact with tampons, bacteria from the hands will attack inside the vagina, then they enter the body, causing vaginal infections and dangerous gynecological diseases. Washing the intimate area with warm water before each dressing change, after washing your hands, helps to keep the intimate area clean, and warm water can relieve menstrual cramps.
For those who use menstrual cups, it is necessary to clean the cup after each change, use the microwave to sterilize the menstrual cup. Because the menstrual cup is inserted deep inside the vagina, if not cleaned properly, it can cause infections and other gynecological diseases.
cốc nguyệt san
Phụ nữ sử dụng cốc nguyệt san, cần vệ sinh cốc sau mỗi lần thay

In short, changing tampons regularly plays a very important role in keeping the intimate area clean, during menstruation. Changing tampons regularly not only helps the body feel comfortable and confident, but also avoids the risk of infection and other gynecological diseases.

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The article references the source: Ministry of Health, General Department of Population - Family Planning

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