Testosterone therapy: Potential benefits and risks as you age

The article was consulted with Specialist Doctor II Pham Thi Tuyet Mai - Obstetrician and Gynecologist - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital.
For men with low testosterone, testosterone supplementation is extremely necessary. Usually doctors will prescribe testosterone therapy for men. Aside from the added benefits of testosterone, are there any potential risks involved with this approach?
“Testosterone therapy” is not a new name for men with low testosterone. However, there are many misconceptions surrounding the application of treatment. It is even considered a comprehensive anti-aging method for elderly men. However, the benefits of testosterone therapy on anti-aging are unclear and unsubstantiated. Moreover, some information also suggests that this therapy has many potential risks to health. So what is the truth?

1. The role of testosterone in men

Testosterone is a hormone produced mainly in the testicles. Testosterone is important for male health and is closely related to:
Bone density Fat distribution Strength and muscle mass Hair and body hair Red blood cell production Desire for sex Sperm production When testosterone levels are low, men will experience problems related to the above functions. At this point, performing testosterone therapy for men can significantly improve the condition.

2. Changes in testosterone levels with age

Testosterone levels usually peak during adolescence, before adulthood (puberty). As you age, testosterone levels gradually decrease, usually about 1% per year after the age of 30 or 40. However, it is important to determine exactly if the decline in testosterone levels is due to the effects of aging or is rooted in it. from other causes related to the disease (male gonadal dysfunction, or male hypogonadism).
Nồng đồ testosterone theo độ tuổi
Càng lớn tuổi, nồng độ testosterone càng suy giảm
In the case of medical conditions, the body cannot produce a normal amount of testosterone, due to a problem in the testicles or the pituitary gland (which controls the production of testosterone by the testicles). Testosterone replacement therapy can improve signs and symptoms caused by low testosterone. During therapy, testosterone is introduced into the body in the form of injections, tablets, patches, or gels.

3. Does low testosterone in men cause aging?

Not necessarily! Most men will show various signs when entering late afternoon age. Some of the signs of which may be caused by naturally low testosterone levels include:
Change in sexual function: Decreased sex drive, less occurrence of spontaneous erections (erectations during sleep) and more likely to lead to infertility. Effects on sleep quality: Sometimes low testosterone causes insomnia or sleep disturbances. Physical Changes: Decreased muscle mass, increased body fat, decreased bone density, decreased strength and muscle mass. Men with low testosterone often have large, soft breasts, hair loss and partial loss of body hair. In addition, decreased energy, exhaustion, and fatigue may also occur. Emotional changes: Decreased motivation to work, decreased self-confidence, feeling sad or depressed, difficulty concentrating or remembering things. Besides testosterone, some of the above signs and symptoms can be caused by many other factors, including medication side effects, sleep apnea syndrome, airway obstruction, thyroid problems , diabetes, depression...
A blood test is the only way to determine if testosterone levels are low or normal. Once the cause of low testosterone has been correctly diagnosed, treatment with testosterone therapy for men will resolve these symptoms.

4. Does testosterone therapy make men younger and healthier?

Supplementing testosterone helps reverse the decline in male sexual function. However, there is no evidence that testosterone therapy helps older men look younger and healthier.
In fact, although there are some who believe that testosterone therapy for men can help them feel younger and stronger as they age, a few studies show the opposite, uncertain results. . For example, in one study, scientists demonstrated that healthy men taking testosterone supplements increased muscle mass, but did not increase muscle strength.
Bổ sung testosterone
Bổ sung testosterone giúp cải thiện sức khỏe nam giới, nhưng không giúp họ trẻ lại

5. The risks of testosterone therapy on the natural aging process

Besides the benefits of male enhancement hormone, testosterone therapy comes with various risks. For example:
Increased risk of sleep apnea - a potentially serious sleep disorder where breathing is repeatedly stopped and interrupted. Causes acne and skin reactions Stimulates the formation of benign prostatic cells (benign prostatic hyperplasia, not related to cancer) and stimulates the growth of cells latent prostate cancer cells in the body. Large breasts, large breasts Limit sperm production or cause testicular shrinkage Increases risk of blood clots forming in deep veins (deep vein thrombosis). The clot can then break off, travel through the bloodstream and stay in the lungs, blocking the flow of blood (pulmonary embolism). In addition, testosterone therapy also carries a risk of heart disease. This is an unspecified risk, but it is still possible.

6. Talk to your doctor about testosterone therapy

If you wonder if testosterone therapy is right for you, talk to your doctor about it carefully, especially about the risks and benefits of this method. Your doctor will usually measure your testosterone levels at least twice before considering hormone replacement therapy for you.
With medical conditions that cause low testosterone, men can perform testosterone supplement therapy. However, if the problem is rooted in the normal aging of the body, testosterone therapy is not recommended.
Trao đổi với bác sĩ
Thẳng thắn trao đổi với bác sĩ về lợi ích cũng như rủi ro của liệu pháp testosterone
Besides, therapy isn't the only way to replenish testosterone. In fact, you can implement safe, natural methods to increase testosterone levels, such as eating a nutritious diet, losing weight, playing sports, going to the gym.

Để đặt lịch khám tại viện, Quý khách vui lòng bấm số HOTLINE hoặc đặt lịch trực tiếp TẠI ĐÂY. Tải và đặt lịch khám tự động trên ứng dụng MyVinmec để quản lý, theo dõi lịch và đặt hẹn mọi lúc mọi nơi ngay trên ứng dụng.

Reference source: Mayoclinic.org
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