Facing cancer recurrence

The article was professionally consulted by Doctor Do Tuong Huan - Oncology Center - Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital

Cancer recurrence is not an easy experience for patients after successful cancer treatment. However, recurrent cancer is still treatable, at least slowing progression, overcoming symptoms, improving quality of life and prolonging survival time for patients.

1. What is cancer recurrence?

Cancer that reappears after a period of remission is considered recurrent cancer. For many patients after being diagnosed with cancer, the goal of treatment is to try to destroy the root cause of the disease, that is, by all means completely remove the malignant cancer cells and prevent them from returning. replay.
However, cancer is easy to recur because despite the best efforts of doctors to remove the cancer completely, some cancer cells still have the ability to survive and grow again . These cells may be present where the cancer was previously discovered or in another part of the body. Those cancer cells that come back stay mostly dormant for a while, but then continue to multiply uncontrollably, leading to the reappearance of the cancer.
In rare cases, a person may be diagnosed with a new cancer that is completely unrelated to the previous cancer. This phenomenon is called the second primary cancer.

2. Difficulty when cancer comes back

dấu hiệu ung thư tái phát
Ung thư tái phát kèm theo đó là những triệu chứng đau đớn kéo dài

Cancer comes back, accompanied by long-lasting painful symptoms, causing the patient a psychological shock and mental breakdown similar to the first cancer diagnosis. Patients become skeptical of previous cancer treatments, lose hope for life, and have no plans for the future.
This feeling of distress is completely normal in patients with recurrent cancer. Some people even argue that a second cancer diagnosis may be more painful than the first. In contrast, some patients feel more confident in the face of a cancer recurrence because previous cancer treatment experience has given them the strength to overcome the difficulties and challenges this time around.

3. Types of cancer that recur

Cancer can recur at the original site or appear in another organ of the patient's body. Recurrence cancer is divided into 3 types:
Local recurrence: Malignant cells reappear at the first location where cancer was detected. The disease has not spread to the lymph nodes or other organs of the body; Regional recurrence: Cancer cells appear in the lymph nodes and surrounding tissues where the cancer was originally found; Distant recurrence: The cancer has spread to distant organs, almost unrelated to the site where it first appeared. Whether the cancer comes back depends on the type and stage of the patient's original cancer. Some types of cancer often recur in specific areas.

4. Diagnosis of recurrent cancer

Ung thư tái phát
Hình ảnh ung thư tái phát

Recurrent cancer is diagnosed similarly to other cancers. A doctor can determine through certain tests or based on a patient's signs and symptoms.
After the last course of treatment, the doctor will schedule regular visits to monitor the risk of cancer recurrence. Patients are informed about the warning signs that signal an event after treatment.
The follow-up process after cancer treatment is often very different from the initial cancer screening and the goals of the two processes are completely different.

5. Can the cancer recur?

The vast majority of local and regional recurrences are curable. Even if a cure is not possible, treatment can shrink the melanoma, slowing its growth. The main goal of treatment is to overcome symptoms, improve the patient's quality of life and survival time.
For the treatment of recurrent cancer to be highly effective, early detection is very important. Whether patients with recurrent cancer can be cured depends on when it is detected and treated. When the disease has metastasized far, the chance of curing cancer is no longer high.
The choice of treatment method is prescribed by the doctor based on many different factors, after weighing the benefits to be achieved against the risk of side effects. Your doctor will also consider your previous treatment and how likely you are to respond to it.

6. How to deal with cancer recurrence

Cancer recurrence brings many of the same negative emotions to patients as when they were first diagnosed with cancer. Common negative emotions include:
Depression: When patients finish their primary cancer treatment, they gradually adjust to life and think the cancer is gone. Over the next several weeks, months, or years, the anxiety about cancer gradually subsides and is almost no longer a part of the patient's life. Therefore, the moment a cancer comes back after a long time is thought to be gone can be a huge shock, sometimes even more severe than the initial diagnosis; Skepticism: When cancer recurs, many patients have doubts about the correctness of their doctor's treatment decisions in the past or changes in lifestyle during the time since cure. primary cancer. One piece of advice for the sick is to try not to look to the past. Instead, focus on the current situation and what needs to be done to keep moving forward; Outrage: Many patients cannot contain their anger when they are diagnosed with cancer again after a period of remission. Some people even expressed anger at the doctor who treated them because they could not prevent the cancer from coming back. Sometimes, patients wonder why they have to endure all the side effects of their initial treatment, only to have the cancer come back to them in the end. However, the medical team and patient agreed to the prior treatment option and this indication was based on information available at the time of initial illness; Fatigue: Feeling helpless because you can't face cancer again is completely normal in this situation. Patients are tired of thinking about the side effects of treatment or are afraid to tell friends and family that they have cancer again, which you have done before. Focus on the fact that you have faced this illness and overcome it, so you can now get over it again. All of these negative feelings are completely normal. The way to deal with the cancer that comes back is the same as the way a patient has overcome the primary cancer. Not only that, patients can also take advantage of some of the following advantages to better cope with cancer recurrence, for example:
Knowledge of the disease: Knowing the cancer and its treatment options can can help patients reduce anxiety and stress compared to the first treatment. In addition, patients are also better prepared for potential side effects; Medical Relationships: During the first cancer treatment, the patient worked closely with her doctor and the workflow at the hospital or clinic. This helps the patient feel more comfortable; Previous treatment experience: A first-time experience with cancer tells a patient what is best for their condition. In addition, patients also recognize abnormal signs to promptly notify the doctor and receive appropriate treatment. If you find it difficult to treat a recurring cancer, discuss this with your doctor. Talking with your doctor will help you better understand your medical condition and help you make better decisions.

Để đặt lịch khám tại viện, Quý khách vui lòng bấm số HOTLINE hoặc đặt lịch trực tiếp TẠI ĐÂY. Tải và đặt lịch khám tự động trên ứng dụng MyVinmec để quản lý, theo dõi lịch và đặt hẹn mọi lúc mọi nơi ngay trên ứng dụng.

References: mayoclinic.org, cancer.net
Bài viết này được viết cho người đọc tại Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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