Uses of Benziq

Benziq belongs to the group of topical benzoyl peroxide, which have antibacterial effects. Benziq is indicated for use in the treatment of acne. However, in the process of using Benziq, it may cause some unwanted side effects such as: Stinging, itching, peeling of the skin... Therefore, before using, the patient should learn carefully. information of the drug Benziq and comply with the doctor's instructions.

1. What is Benziq?

Benziq medicine contains the ingredient Benzoyl peroxice, which has an antibacterial effect. At the same time, this compound also has a mild drying effect on the skin and allows the removal of excess oil and dirt deposited on the skin to be washed away from the skin.
Benziq is indicated in the treatment of acne. Benzoyl peroxide compounds may cause rare or severe allergic reactions with skin irritation. Therefore, if the patient feels unusual signs during the use of the drug such as hives, itching, difficulty breathing, swelling of the face, lips, tongue, throat, etc., it is necessary to notify the doctor immediately. have a timely support plan.

2. How to use Benziq

Benziq may cause mild to severe allergic reactions or severe skin irritation. Therefore, before starting to use Benziq, patients should choose to apply a test dose to see if the body has an allergic reaction or not. Patients can use a small amount and then apply Benziq to 1 or 2 small acne areas per day and do it for 3 consecutive days. If no reaction occurs, Benziq can be started in sufficient quantities on day 4.
Benziq is not for oral use and is for external use only. For open wounds or sunburned, dry, irritated skin, Benziq should be avoided. Patients should also avoid using Benziq on wounds or on areas of eczema. And should wait until these diseases are in remission before using Benziq.
Before using Benziq, the patient should shake the medicine well and do not cover the skin being treated when asked by the doctor. Skin should be cleaned and dried before applying a thin layer of benzoyl peroxide.
Due to the properties of Benzoyl peroxide can bleach hair. Therefore, Benziq should be avoided for these sites. The drug should be stored under conditions of low humidity and temperature.
It may take several weeks before symptoms improve. So continue to use the medicine as directed by your doctor. At the same time, the patient should report to the doctor if the symptoms do not improve or subside.
If you overdose on Benziq, you need to notify your doctor and medical person. When having an emergency, the family member should bring along the prescription that the patient uses to help the doctor diagnose quickly and treat promptly.

3. Unwanted side effects of Benziq

Benziq may cause some unwanted side effects during treatment. However, with each case, Benziq can occur in varying degrees from mild to severe. Some common side effects caused by Benziq include: Mild stinging, burning, itching or tingling sensation, dry skin, peeling, redness, and other irritations.
However, in some cases, Benziq can cause serious unwanted side effects with rare allergic reactions. These reactions may appear within minutes of using Benziq or may take longer than a few days. When serious side effects appear such as: severe itching, burning, stinging or redness, swelling, peeling of the skin, etc., the patient should stop using Benziq and seek medical help immediately. ie.
Although this is not a complete list of undesirable side effects of Benziq, but if the patient feels unusual signs during treatment, it is necessary to notify the doctor or medical staff immediately. .

4. Some notes when using Benziq

Some notes in the process of using Benziq:
Patients should clean the skin before using Benziq. Avoid using products that can irritate the skin such as soaps, shampoos, hair dyes, chemicals, hair waxes, or skin products that contain alcohol, spices, astringents, or lime. . In addition, patients should also avoid sun exposure while using Benziq. You can prepare clothes and sunscreen to limit the condition of the skin that can be exposed to direct sunlight. Benziq contains a compound called benzoyl peroxide, which if used together with Avita, Renova, Retin-A, Tretin-X topical medications can cause severe skin irritation. Therefore, when using Benziq, the patient should pay attention and provide a list of drugs that have been used and are being used by the doctor for appropriate adjustment, including prescription drugs, non-prescription drugs, herbs, etc. .. Above is the complete information about the drug Benziq. You need to read the user manual carefully before using it.

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