Uses of Cruderan 500

Cruderan 500 is often indicated for people with iron overload in patients with thalassemia. The use of Cruderan 500 treatment requires the supervision of a qualified doctor, because Cruderan 500 belongs to the prescription drug and detoxification line.

1. Composition and uses of Cruderan 500

According to the information provided by the manufacturer, the drug Cruderan 500 includes the following main ingredients:
Deferipron 500mg Excipients are just enough to measure in 1 tablet. With the ingredients and active ingredients on the drug Cruderan 500 is indicated for use in subjects with excess iron in the body, mainly in Thalassemia patients for whom deferoxamine therapy is contraindicated or insufficient.
In addition, doctors also use Cruderan 500 to prescribe the treatment of some conditions not listed here.
Currently, Cruderan 500 is used for both adults and children. Each patient will have a different dose of medication to suit their current health status.

2. Dosage of Cruderan 500

Cruderan 500 is taken by mouth, patients should drink it directly with filtered water as it is best and most effective. Before using the patient should also actively talk to the doctor about the drugs they are taking, including prescription and over-the-counter drugs. Thereby the doctor will consider the appropriate dose.
Usual adult dose: 3 tablets per day For children over 6 years old, the dose should be considered and evaluated by a doctor on many factors. Parents should consult a doctor and give their children the medicine as prescribed.
During the time of taking the drug, the patient did not arbitrarily increase or decrease the dose as well as stop the drug dose suddenly, even though the disease condition has shown signs of improvement. Inadequate drug use will directly affect the course of treatment later.

3. Who is the drug Cruderan 500 contraindicated for?

The main contraindication is not to use the drug, a few cases below are warned by the manufacturer not to use Cruderan:
Do not use Cruderan with people who are hypersensitive or hypersensitive to the ingredients of the drug Subject People with a history of recurrent neutropenia should also not use the drug. People with a history of agranulocytosis are not recommended to use the drug. Children under 6 years of age should not take this medicine, unless directed by a doctor. Pregnant and lactating women are sensitive to any ingredient in western medicine, because it can affect the development of the fetus as well as the mother's health. Therefore, during the time of breastfeeding and pregnancy, the mother who intends to take the drug should consult a professional. Your doctor will weigh the benefits and risks to your health before prescribing Cruderan.

4. Possible side effects when taking Cruderan 500

When using Cruderan 500 can cause side effects in some patients. In which, the most common are those who overdose, abuse drugs, and have a sensitive body. Some common side effects are:
Agranulocytosis Mild joint pain Increased liver enzymes ... When experiencing these side effects, the patient should contact the treating doctor for examination and advice on how to To solve. In some cases, the doctor may instruct the patient to stop taking the drug or switch to another drug that is equally effective in treating the disease.

5. Matters to note when using Cruderan

5.1 What to do in case of missed dose or drug overdose? Overdose: Overdose is a very dangerous problem, causing serious health effects, so when detecting an overdose, the patient should notify the doctor, and at the same time need to monitor their health regularly during the period. this. If you see any abnormalities, you should immediately go to a medical facility for timely examination and intervention.
Missed dose: In case the frequency of missed doses occurs frequently, it will affect the treatment process and take longer. To handle a missed dose, patients need to take up the dose when they remember it and skip the missed dose if it takes more than 2-3 hours. In the following doses, the drug can be used as usual and no need to compensate for the dose.
5.2 Foods to avoid while taking the drug During the course of taking Cruderan to treat the disease, the patient should avoid or minimize foods such as: alcohol, tobacco, alcoholic or fermented drinks . These agents can change the ingredients in the medicine. Besides, it is necessary to maintain a healthy diet, enough nutrients to help the treatment process achieve better results.
5.3 What drugs interact with Cruderan? It is important to remember that drug interactions with other drugs are often quite complicated due to the influence of many ingredients in the drug. Studies or recommendations usually only state common interactions with use. Therefore, extreme care should be taken when taking Cruderan with other drugs to reduce the possibility of interactions.
In summary, the use of Cruderan 500 to help treat iron overload in thalassemia patients, before using, patients need to consult and use the drug exactly as prescribed by the doctor to achieve the best results in treatment. sick.
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