Uses of Gacoba

Gacoba belongs to the group of antibiotics that have been on the Vietnamese market for many years. Gacoba has been proven effective in supporting the treatment of urinary tract diseases. Patients learn how to use and dose Gacoba in the article below.

1. What is Gacoba?

Gacoba is a drug indicated for the symptomatic treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia. Gacoba's main ingredient is Alfuzosin HCl 2.5mg, prepared in the form of film-coated tablets. Gacoba is packaged in a variety of ways: in a box of 3 blisters, 6 blisters, 9 blisters x 10 tablets. In bottles there are 50 tablets, 100 tablets.
Contraindicated Gacoba drug with hypersensitivity to ingredients Alfuzosin HCl, patients with liver failure. Store Gacoba medicine in a cool, dry place, the temperature is below 30oC, avoid direct sunlight.

2. How to use – dose of Gacoba

In order to use Gacoba drug to be highly effective in supporting the treatment of benign prostatic tumors, patients need to understand how to use and the dosage of the drug.
2.1. How to take Gacoba Use Gacoba orally, swallow the tablet whole, do not chew the medicine. Take medicine after meals. Take Gacoba with plenty of water. Absolutely do not take medicine with tea, coffee, carbonated soft drinks, alcohol, beer,... 2.2. Dosage of Gacoba Gacoba Usual Gacoba dose: 2.5 mg tablets, twice a day, equivalent to 5 mg/day. The first dose of Gacoba is taken at night before bed. Then increase the dose to 5 mg tablets, twice a day morning - evening, equivalent to 10 mg / day. For patients over 65 years old with benign prostatic hypertrophy: Take 10 mg tablets/day, 1 time/day, take regularly for 3-4 days. Elderly patients or patients taking antihypertensive drugs: Start with 2.5 mg tablets, twice daily. Then gradually increase the dose as directed by the doctor. Handling missed dose: Take Gacoba tablets as soon as you remember. If the missed dose of Gacoba is close to the next dose, skip the missed dose. When taking the next dose of Gacoba, do not arbitrarily increase the dose to make up for the missed dose.
Treatment of overdose: Immediately notify the doctor/pharmacist when taking an overdose of Gacoba. If there are any abnormal symptoms of the body after taking an overdose of Gacoba, the family member will take the patient to a specialized medical address for timely treatment by the doctor.

3. Gacoba side effects

Accompanying the use of Gacoba are unwanted side effects during the patient's use of the drug.
Common side effects:
Digestive system disorders: Abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea. Side effects on the nervous system: Patients with dizziness, lightheadedness, fainting, headache, dizziness,... Side effects on the genitourinary system: The patient is impotent. For the respiratory system: Patients with bronchitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, respiratory tract infections, pharyngitis,... Uncommon side effects:
For the nervous system: Patients are sleepy, dry mouth, nervous breakdown. Cardiovascular side effects: angina pectoris, tachycardia. Side effects on the liver: Patients with jaundice, liver damage. For skin: Patients with itchy skin. Rare side effects:
Patient has hypotension in the standing position. For patients with high blood pressure, symptoms will appear: Palpitations, fainting, itching, edema,... Note: After taking Gacoba, there are unwanted side effects, patients stop taking it and inform Notify doctor/pharmacist for timely handling.

4. Notes when using Gacoba

Any medicine has accompanying notes to limit unwanted side effects, Gacoba drug is no exception.
4.1. General note of the drug Gacoba Using Gacoba can cause patients to lower blood pressure orthostatic, need to be careful in case of falling. Especially after the initial dose of Gacoba, patients may experience hypotension leading to fainting. At this time, the first aid person needs to put the patient's head down. The state of lowering blood pressure increases when the patient drinks alcohol, is physically active, etc. Symptoms of cancer and benign prostatic hypertrophy are the same. Therefore, before taking Gacoba, the patient must rule out the possibility of cancer. Use caution and reduce the dose of Gacoba in patients with mild and moderate liver disease, patients with kidney disease, and the elderly. 4.2. Note to pregnant and lactating women These two groups of subjects should not arbitrarily take Gacoba without a prescription from a specialist.
4.3. Note to drivers, machine operators For drivers, machine operators when using Gacoba medicine may experience some side effects such as: Low blood pressure when standing, dizziness, dizziness, fatigue fatigue,... Therefore, consider before taking medicine or consult a specialist.
4.4. Gacoba drug interactions Do not combine Gacoba with other antihypertensive drugs, namely terazosin, prazosin,... because it can lead to very severe hypotension when standing. Gacoba should not be combined with other antihypertensive drugs because of the risk of excessive hypotension in the patient. Drugs that inhibit the activity of 50 enzymes belonging to the monooxygenase group such as ritonavir, itraconazole, and ketoconazole may increase plasma concentrations. alfuzosin in the blood Do not combine Gacoba with Atenolol because it increases the plasma concentration of the two drugs Do not combine Gacoba with Diltiazem because it increases the plasma concentration of the two drugs Using a combination of Gacoba with Cimetidine causes increase the plasma concentration of Gacoba The article has clarified the use of Gacoba for patients' reference. Gacoba is a prescription drug from a doctor, so patients absolutely do not arbitrarily increase - decrease the dose during use to limit side effects.

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