Uses of Newspiraz 750,000 I.U

Newspiraz 750,000 I.U drug belongs to the group of drugs to treat parasites, anti-infectives, antivirals, antifungals. The drug is researched and manufactured by Thanh Nam Pharmaceutical Manufacturing and Trading Co., Ltd., which is circulated in Vietnam. Follow the article to better understand the use of Newspiraz 750,000 I.U.

1. What is Newspiraz 750 I.U?

Newspiraz 750,000 I.U drug is a drug belonging to the group of drugs to treat parasites, anti-infectives, antivirals, antifungals.
Drugs manufactured by Thanh Nam Pharmaceutical Manufacturing-Trading Co., Ltd circulated in Vietnam and registered with VDK VD-30392-18. Newspiraz 750,000 I.U is prepared in the form of powder for oral suspension, packing specification is 1 box of 10 packs and 20 packs. Each pack 3g.
Drug ingredients: Each pack of 3g contains Spiramycin 750,000 lU. Spiramycine is a macrolide antibiotic. This is considered the drug of second choice for the treatment of infections of the respiratory tract, skin and genitals caused by susceptible bacteria. Prophylactic treatment of meningococcal meningitis when rifampicin is contraindicated. Prophylaxis of congenital toxoplasmosis during pregnancy. Chemoprophylaxis of recurrent acute rheumatic fever in patients allergic to penicillin.

2. What effect does Newspiraz 750 have?

Newspiraz 750 is used in cases of infections caused by susceptible bacteria:
Pharyngitis; Acute sinusitis ; Superinfection of acute bronchitis ; Exacerbation of chronic bronchitis; Community-acquired pneumonia in people with no risk factors, no severe clinical signs, and lack of clinical factors suggestive of pneumocoques. In case of suspected atypical pneumonia, Macrolides is indicated in any case of severe or mild disease; Benign skin infections: Impetigo, impetigo, skin - subcutaneous infections (especially erysipelas); Oral infections; Non-gonococcal genital infections; Prevention of meningococcal meningitis.

3. Contraindications to the use of Newspiraz 750

Do not use the drug for people with a history of hypersensitivity to the ingredients Spiramycin, Erythromycin.

4. Dosage, how to use Newspiraz 750

Should take the medicine at least 2 hours before meals or 3 hours after meals. The reference dose is as follows:
Children and children: 150,000 IU/kg body weight/day, divided into 2-3 times. Infants and children under 10kg: 1-2 sachets/day, divided into 2-3 times. Children from 10 - 20 kg: 2-4 packs/day, divided 2-3 times. Prevention of Meningococcus meningitis in children: Take 75 000 IU/kg body weight/ every 12 hours, for 5 days. Adults: Take 1.5 to 3 M.IU/time x 2-3 times/day.

5. Side effects when using Newspiraz 750

Using Newspiraz 750 may cause some of the following side effects:
Nausea, vomiting; Diarrhea; Manifestations of skin allergies.

6. Dealing with missed dose or overdose

Missed dose:
If you forget to take a dose, take it as soon as possible. However, if it is almost time for your next dose, skip the missed dose and take your next dose at the scheduled time. Do not take double the prescribed dose. Overdose:
If there are unusual symptoms when overdosing, it is necessary to immediately notify the doctor or the person in charge of medical care for timely treatment.

7. Notes when using Newspiraz 750

For patients with liver dysfunction:
Should be cautious when using Spiramycin for people with liver dysfunction, because the drug can cause hepatotoxicity. Spiramycine is not excreted in the active form by the kidneys, so no dose adjustment is required in case of renal impairment. For women who are pregnant and breastfeeding:
The spiramycine ingredient in Newspiraz 750 can be used by pregnant women without causing any adverse reactions. The drug can be passed to a baby through breastfeeding. It is best not to or limit taking the drug during breastfeeding, consult your doctor, pharmacist before deciding to take the drug. The article has provided information on what Newspiraz 750 is, what it is, dosage and notes when using it. To ensure safety for your health and maximize the effectiveness of your treatment, you need to take Newspiraz 750 exactly as directed by your doctor.

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