Uses of Vagirea

Vagirea - a drug of herbal origin, with the main use of nourishing the mind and sedative. Vagirea is sold at drugstores nationwide. Let's learn more about the uses, usage, and dosage of Vagirea right here.

1. What are the effects of Vagirea?

Vagirea has main ingredients including: Kim anh; Apple kernels; Real deficiency; Dang ginseng; Bach Truc; Telematics; The five martyrs; Licorice ;...
Vagirea medicine has ingredients including herbs from nature, belongs to the group of traditional medicines. The main uses of the drug Vagirea include: Sedative, anti-anxiety; Complementary medium; Useful gas; Suede tendon; Auxiliary qi,...
In general, Vagirea has the effect of sedating, treating insomnia, anxiety, anti-inflammatory, pain relief, lowering blood pressure, forgetfulness,...
Do not use Vagirea for cases of allergic or hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients in the medicine. In addition, subjects with constipation, hot flashes, indigestion... should also not use the drug.

2. Dosage – how to use Vagire

Using Vagirea should follow the instructions of the doctor / pharmacist. Vagirea is taken orally with filtered water / boiled and cooled water. Although Vagirea is a traditional medicine, to be safe, you should not use it with tea, coffee, wine, beer, etc. Dosage of Vagirea as recommended by the manufacturer is printed in the instruction leaflet. use.

3. Vagirea interaction

Although the ingredients of Vagirea are all from natural herbs, you need to be careful when using them. It should be avoided in combination with any drugs. To use Vagirea safely, do not forget to inform your doctor/pharmacist of any medications you are taking. Including drugs that have been taken before but used continuously during this time. Although herbs are benign, when there is an interaction with certain incompatible chemical components, they can also have side effects, even toxicity. There are no specific reports on the use of Vagirea in this population. Although there are herbs, but when using Vagirea you should also consult safety information from your doctor / pharmacist for specific instructions.

4. Vagirea . side effects

Evaluation of the safety of the drug has been shown, but when using you can also experience side effects. Some side effects when using Vagirea drugs include: nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, headache, fatigue,...
Inform your doctor of any side effects when using Vagirea for advice and treatment. Although rare, side effects can still occur when taking Vagirea.
So, the above information has answered what is Vagirea drug? How to use, safety information when using Vagirea. Vagirea is a prescription drug, so you need to be careful when using it. Note, consult your doctor / pharmacist for more information when using Vagirea.

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