16 ways to reduce your risk of heart disease

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The article is professionally consulted by MSc Tran Hong Nhat - Interventional Cardiologist, Vinmec Central Park International Hospital.
Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death in both men and women. So, to reduce your risk of cardiovascular problems, start changing your lifestyle with a healthy diet, combined with regular exercise to improve fitness.

1. Go for a walk

You should spend about 40 minutes walking (3-4 times a week), or jogging for about 25 minutes a day will help reduce cholesterol and body weight. You can also split up the exercise time, just 10 minutes each time is also very good for your heart. However, if you are wondering if you are healthy enough to exercise, you should visit your doctor for advice and to find a remedy.

2. Eat with friends

Research has shown that being alone or being alone is also bad for the heart. A happy, relaxed mood will help dispel stress and sadness. You should enjoy good times with friends, such as eating together, making some plans with an old friend, or joining a club and meeting new people. Never make yourself suffer from negative emotions for too long, it's really not good for the heart.

3. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables

In fruits and vegetables, both contain high nutritional content and are high in fiber, low in fat and low in calories, which is good for heart health. Plus, they have antioxidants, which help protect your cells from damage that can lead to diabetes and heart disease. You should try to include a variety of different foods in your daily diet. Fiber is good for cholesterol and you get your vitamins naturally from food.
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4. Snack on nuts

The fiber, unsaturated fats, and omega-3 fatty acids in nuts can help your body reduce inflammation, bad LDL cholesterol, and plaque buildup in blood vessels — all of which are linked to heart disease. They may also protect against blood clots that cause strokes. You can choose your favorite nuts, but you need to pay attention to the amount used, do not overdo it because nuts often contain a lot of calories.

5. Eat salmon

Salmon is a food that contains very high levels of omega-3 fatty acids, so they can help lower blood pressure and prevent the formation of blood clots that cause stroke. You should maintain the diet 2 times a week, it will help you reduce your risk of having a heart attack by a third. However, for better results, you should choose wild-caught salmon instead of using farm-raised fish for sale. Because in farmed fish can be contaminated with pesticides or some heavy metals.
In addition to salmon, you can choose some other fish that have similar effects and are good for the heart, such as tuna, mackerel, herring or sardines.

6. Take part in outdoor activities

Besides regular exercise, your daily activities are really good for the cardiovascular system.

7. Do yoga

Yoga exercises are not just exercise, they are also a way to help you calm down and reduce stress. That can lower your heart rate and blood pressure, making you less anxious. If you don't enjoy yoga, you can make time for other healthy activities to relax and de-stress, like meditating, listening to music, or doing something you love.

8. Sleep at least 7 hours a night

Your body needs deep rest. During sleep, heart rate and blood pressure will drop, which is the "golden key" to a healthy heart. If you regularly sleep less than 7 hours a night, your body will increase the amount of hormones and active substances that are harmful to the heart. In addition, it also adversely affects your blood sugar and blood pressure levels.

9. Beware of Sleep Apnea

If you have symptoms such as loud snoring, gasping when you wake up, or feeling tired after a night, you should see your doctor immediately. These could be signs of sleep apnea, a condition that can make you more susceptible to stroke, high blood pressure, and heart disease. The doctor has the right treatment to help you sleep better and protect your health

10. Give up the habit of smoking

Để có trái tim khỏe hãy tránh xa thuốc lá, hoặc từ bỏ thói quen hút thuốc lá
Smoking regularly can raise blood pressure, make it difficult to exercise, and cause blood clots, a major cause of stroke. In addition, people exposed to a lot of tobacco smoke can develop atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, blockage of blood vessels, or poor blood circulation. This is the main cause of heart attack.
Best, to keep yourself a healthy heart, you should stay away from smoke, or give up the habit of smoking. However, quitting smoking is not an easy thing to do, you should visit your doctor to get advice and find a way to help you gradually give up this negative habit.

11. Sex

You may not know, if sex is done in the early morning, the rate of reducing the risk of heart attack or stroke will be up to 70%.

12. Keeping the Weight

Weight gain causes cholesterol levels to rise, which leads to increased blood pressure, which increases the risk of diabetes and heart-related problems. Regular exercise and healthy food choices are the best ways to stay at a healthy weight. To find out where you are, you can take a body mass index (BMI) measurement to find out if you need to lose/gain weight.

13. Get a flu shot

Research has found that getting vaccinated against the flu is also a good defense against heart disease, especially if you regularly smoke, have high blood pressure, diabetes or high cholesterol. Scientists have shown that the virus that causes the flu can cause inflammation and lead to heart attack, heart attack or stroke.

14. Don't just sit in one place

Heart disease is more likely to occur if you sit all day. Because sitting a lot, being inactive will make your calories burn less. It can change the way your body processes sugar and fat, leading to heart problems in the long run. Try to get up and move around at least once an hour.

15. Drink water regularly

Regular water intake helps to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. You should drink 5 glasses of water a day, because water helps blood flow easily, reduces blood clotting rate and improves blood vessels.
Uống nước giúp máu lưu thông dễ dàng, giảm tỷ lệ đông máu và cải thiện mạch máu

16. Periodic health check

You should have regular checkups to check for problems like high blood sugar, high cholesterol, or signs of diabetes. This helps you detect early and get treatment before the disease progresses. Besides, regular check-ups also help you control your health condition and have an appropriate treatment plan.
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Article referenced source: Webmd.com
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