Is medical abortion effective?

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Hello doctor, I want to ask if medical abortion is effective? Ask your doctor for advice.
To Thi Thuy
Hello doctor. I'm 1 and a half weeks late for my period and on March 25, I used a pregnancy test, and there were 2 clear bold lines. But due to family circumstances and also thinking a lot, I still can't keep the baby. Can I have an abortion with pills? I hope the doctor can help me. Thank you.
Anonymous question
Medical abortion , a medical abortion method, using emergency medicine to stop the continuation of the natural development of pregnancy, without surgery . Abortion pills stop the development of the fetus, stimulate the uterus to contract to push the embryo out of the uterus. Medical abortion in the early stages of the first trimester has a high success rate, usually around 95%. The majority of women who miscarry are within 24 hours of use.
Medical abortion is applied to the fetus in the uterus, and the medicine will not be effective in case of an ectopic pregnancy. However, medical abortion has contraindications, and is performed only in specialized hospitals. Therefore, you should consult your doctor before use.
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