Find out the imbalance of the body

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The article was professionally consulted by Doctor Tran Quoc Tuan - Head of the ICU - ICU - Emergency Resuscitation Department - Vinmec Phu Quoc International General Hospital

When there is a problem with balance (imbalance), the body will feel dizzy, feel like the surroundings are spinning, unsteady or feel the head spinning, the body seems to want to collapse. This sensation can be experienced when the body is in any position, whether lying down, sitting or standing up.

1. Causes of body imbalance

To maintain a sense of balance, various organ systems and parts of the body (including the system of muscles, bones, joints, eyesight, balance organs located in the inner ear, nervous system, heart and blood vessels) need to work together normally. Once any abnormality occurs, the body can fall into a state of imbalance. There are many medical conditions that also affect the body's balance, but most of them are problems with the body's balance system located in the inner ear (vestibular system).
An imbalance of the body can be caused by many things, and each given cause often has specific signs or symptoms.
Sensation of movement or rotation (vertigo): dizziness has been associated with many different conditions, including: Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV): orthostatic dizziness Benign paroxysmal disease occurs when the calcium crystals in the inner ear move from their normal position to somewhere in the inner ear (these calcium crystals function to control balance). Benign paroxysmal postural vertigo is the most common cause of dizziness in adults. Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo can cause a feeling of spinning when you roll over in bed or tilt your head back suddenly to look up. Meniere's disease: Meniere's disease can cause sudden and severe dizziness, which may be accompanied by fluctuating hearing loss and ringing in the ears, a grinding sound, or a feeling of fullness in the ears. The cause of Meniere's disease is unknown. Meniere's disease is rare and usually occurs in people between the ages of 20 and 40. Migraine: dizziness and sensitivity to movement (vestibular migraine) may occur as a result of a migraine headache. Migraine is a common cause of dizziness. Acoustic neuroma: This is a slow-growing benign tumor on the auditory nerve that affects hearing and balance. Patients may present with dizziness and loss of balance, but the most common symptoms are hearing loss and ringing in the ears. Acoustic neuroma is a rare tumor. Vestibular Neuritis: Vestibular neuritis can affect nerves in the balance system in the inner ear. Symptoms are often severe and persistent, including nausea and difficulty walking. Symptoms usually last a few days and gradually improve without treatment. Ramsay Hunt syndrome: Also known as herpes zoster (herpes zoster oticus), Ramsay Hunt syndrome occurs when a shingles-like infection affects the face, hearing, and vestibular nerve on one side. Symptoms appear to be dizziness, earache, facial muscle weakness, and hearing loss. Head trauma: Patients may experience dizziness as a result of a concussion or head injury. Motion sickness: motion sickness occurs when traveling by means of transport such as train, car, plane,... Motion sickness is a common phenomenon in people with migraine. Persistent postural perceptual dizziness (PPPD): This disorder often occurs with other types of vertigo. Symptoms include loss of balance or a sensation of movement in the head. Symptoms are often aggravated by watching moving objects, when reading, or in complex outdoor environments (such as in a mall). Feeling like you're going to pass out or spin around: linked to: orthostatic hypotension: also known as postural hypotension, which occurs when standing up too quickly, causing some people to sudden drop in blood pressure leading to fainting. Cardiovascular conditions: arrhythmias, narrowed or blocked blood vessels, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy or hypovolemia, which reduces blood flow and leads to syncope. Loss of balance or stability : loss of balance when walking or feeling unsteady can be the result of: Vestibular problems: inner ear abnormalities can cause a feeling of floating or heaviness in the head, loss of balance steady in the dark. Peripheral neuropathy: damage can lead to difficulty walking. Joint, muscle or vision problems: Muscle weakness and joint instability can lead to loss of balance. Vision problems can also lead to instability. Medications: Loss of balance or stability can be an unwanted effect of medication. Certain neurological diseases: including cervical spondylosis and Parkinson's disease. Dizziness: a feeling of lightheadedness can be caused by: Inner ear problems: Vestibular system abnormalities can lead to floating sensations or abnormal sensations of movement. Psychiatric disorders: depression, anxiety disorders and other mental disorders may cause dizziness. Hyperventilation: often co-occurs with anxiety disorders and can cause dizziness. Medications: Dizziness can be an undesirable effect when using therapeutic drugs.
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2. Diagnosis and treatment of imbalances

To diagnose and find the cause of the imbalance, the doctor will take the medical history, history, combine with the physical examination and order the necessary tests and tests (such as measurement of blood pressure). blood pressure, electrocardiogram, hearing test, posture test, swivel chair test, computed tomography scan, magnetic resonance imaging,...).
The treatment method will be selected by the doctor based on the cause of the imbalance and the specific condition of the patient.

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