Are nine fingers dangerous?

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Nine fingers is a common skin infection today, the disease can occur in anyone at any age in life. The cause of nine fingers is usually caused by Staphylococcus aureus bacteria, so the disease needs to be treated thoroughly to avoid recurrence of the disease later.

1. What is nine fingers?

Nine fingers is a very common skin infection today. Specific finger disease is a condition in which the tips of the fingers or toes become infected, leading to the formation of pus called festering pus, even an abscess at these locations. If the disease is not properly treated along with keeping the body clean, the disease will be at risk of recurrence, repeated many times.
Some common clinical symptoms for people with nine fingers are as follows:
Body fatigue, lethargy, headache, body numbness and fever. Pain at the head or between the fingers and toes, the pain occurs suddenly, not certain. There is a feeling of tingling, swelling, pain causing discomfort to the patient. These symptoms are often easy to recognize because the location of these conditions is usually at the tips of the fingernails or between the fingernails and toenails. About nine pathologies are explained as after the fingernails or toenails are infected with bacteria, they will cause some reactions at this site, causing the hands and feet to swell, the swelling is red, itchy, then turn dark red, causing pain and discomfort, severe inflammation can make the fingers and toes difficult to move and form pus. More seriously, in some cases, the nine sides of the fingers cause swelling to spread to the forearm, along the lymphatic route to become red streaks in the arm, causing this position to become tight and painful. pulsation of blood vessels and accompanying fever.
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2. The cause of ripening

Cause of ripening is explained by Staphylococcus aureus and Herpes bacteria . These bacteria cause nine finger disease by entering through scratches, wounds, and stings on the patient's body. For subjects whose body sweats and dirt or clings to the skin, bacteria will multiply and multiply more quickly.
Some specific causes of finger nine disease can be listed as follows:
Manicuring and pedicure in outside shops should create favorable conditions for bacteria to enter the body. Wearing closed-toe heels makes the toes prone to wounds as well as sweating, which is a condition for Staphylococcus aureus and Herpes to invade and develop. Playing some sports causes injuries to the tips of the fingers and toes. People with obesity People with HIV/AIDS who are on treatment.
Người nhiễm HIV/AIDS đang trong quá trình điều trị có thể gây chín mé

When suffering from wounds or scratches as above, usually the patient has a subjective mentality, so he will ignore and do not take care and treat the wound. This is the condition to cause nine finger disease in the mild stage, after a long time the disease develops into a more severe stage, the new clinical symptoms manifest so loudly that the patient has to go to medical facilities for examination. sick. At this time, the disease is already in a severe stage, so it is very difficult to treat and easy to relapse. Therefore, in daily habits, it is necessary to maintain hygiene as follows to ensure that disease-causing bacteria do not enter the body:
Wash hands and feet thoroughly every day Do not soak hands and feet with water for a short period of time. For too long Do not wear dirty socks, have to change socks often Do not go barefoot to prevent dirt and bacteria from clinging to your feet Limit wearing high heels or shoes that are too tight Do not play sports the possibility of damaging fingers and toes
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3. How many stages of the disease?

Disease of the fingers usually develops into 3 stages as follows:
Stage 1: Appears within the first 1-3 days, at the tip of the finger, the toe is often swollen, red, cause itching. After that, the patient will have pain causing discomfort, sometimes it will be difficult to move the fingers and toes. Stage 2: From the 4th to the 7th day, this is the period when the symptoms of inflammation will spread to the surrounding areas, possibly from the tips of the fingers and toes to the entire fingers and toes. that foot. The patient will be tense, aching, jerking with the pulse of the blood vessels, fever. Stage 3: It is the festering stage of ripening
For the disease nine fingers caused by Herpes, this virus will incubate for a period of 2 to 20 days. At this time, the body will have some symptoms such as fever, whole body fatigue, pain, burning, stinging sensation at the location of the injured knuckles and toes. A few days later, at these locations, there will be swelling, redness, edema, and blisters about 1-3mm in size within 7-10 days. Blisters in this stage may break open into clear, cloudy or red fluid of blood and may even ulcerate. After this phase of infection, the virus invades sensory nerve branches in the skin, then enters the peripheral ganglia and finally inhabits Schwann cells for a long time. If the body has a weakened immune system, has psychological trauma or is exposed to direct rays such as lasers, UV rays, radiation, etc., the virus will become active again, moving back to the skin. and disease recurrence.
Need to treat nine fingers disease from the first days of the disease because when the disease progresses to the later stages, some serious complications will appear such as osteomyelitis, bursitis, arthritis, infection. blood, even death.
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Although nine fingers are a common disease of all ages and are just a skin disease, if you do not learn carefully about the causes of nine fingers as well as the nine stages, there are several stages to get effective treatment. , monitoring the disease status, the disease is easy to recur as well as leaving dangerous consequences and complications.
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