How much hemoglobin is anemia?

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Hemoglobin, also known as hemoglobin (Hb), is a complex protein containing Fe++, responsible for transporting oxygen from the lungs to the tissues and transporting CO2, from the tissues to the lungs, Hb is in red blood cells and accounts for 33% of the body weight. red blood cell count.

1. What is hemoglobin concentration?

Hemoglobin is the protein molecule in red blood cells that carries oxygen from the lungs to the body's tissues and returns carbon dioxide from the tissues back to the lungs.
Hemoglobin is made up of four protein molecules (globulin chains) that are linked together. As children grow older, the gamma chains are gradually replaced by beta chains, forming the structure of adult hemoglobin.
In the heme compound is an iron atom that is very important in the transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide in our blood. Hemoglobin contains iron, which gives blood its red color.
Hemoglobin has an important function necessary for maintaining the shape of red blood cells. In their natural form, red blood cells are round with narrow centers resembling a doughnut without a hole in the middle. As a result, abnormal hemoglobin structure can disrupt the shape of red blood cells and interfere with their function and flow through blood vessels.

2. What is a normal hemoglobin test value?

Mức hemoglobin được biểu thị bằng lượng hemoglobin tính bằng gam (gm) trên decilit (dL) của máu toàn phần, decilit là 100 mililit
The hemoglobin level is expressed as the amount of hemoglobin in grams (gm) per deciliter (dL) of whole blood, the deciliter is 100 milliliters.
The normal range of hemoglobin depends on the person's age and, starting in adolescence, the sex of the person. The normal ranges are:
In infants: 17 to 22 gm/dL One week old: 15 to 20 gm/dL 1 month old: 11 to 15 gm/dL Children: 11 to 13 gm/dL Adult men: Between 14 and 18 gm/dL Women: 12 to 16 gm/dL Post-middle-aged men: Between 12.4 and 14.9 gm/dL Post-middle age women years: From 11.7 to 13.8 gm/dL All of these values ​​may vary slightly between laboratories. Some laboratories fail to distinguish between adult and post-middle age hemoglobin values. Pregnant women should avoid both high and low hemoglobin levels to avoid an increased risk of stillbirth (high hemoglobin - above normal) and premature delivery or low birth weight (low hemoglobin - below normal).

3. How much hemoglobin is low?

Anemia occurs when there aren't enough healthy red blood cells to carry oxygen to your body's organs. As a result, people often feel cold and have symptoms of fatigue or weakness. You can start to ease the symptoms of this type of anemia by adding iron to your diet.
When the hemoglobin level is below the level of the following, it is anemia:
In men it is less than 13 g/dl (130 g/l) In women it is less than 12 g/dl (120 g/l). ) In elderly people with readings less than 11 g/dl (110 g/l) Low hemoglobin level is called anemia or low red blood count. There are many reasons (causes) leading to anemia:
Blood loss (traumatic injury, surgery, bleeding, colon cancer or stomach ulcer), Lack of nutrients such as iron deficiency, vitamin B12. ... Bone marrow problems (bone marrow replacement due to cancer). Inhibition of red blood cell synthesis by chemotherapeutic drugs. Abnormal hemoglobin structure (sickle cell anemia or thalassemia).
Thiếu máu xảy ra khi không có đủ tế bào hồng cầu khỏe mạnh để vận chuyển oxy đến các cơ quan của cơ thể bạn

4. What causes anemia?

The diet is deficient in folic acid, also known as folate, or your body cannot use folic acid correctly (such as with folate-deficiency anemia).
Inherited blood disorders (such as sickle cell anemia or thalassemia).
Bleeding, which can result from rapid loss of large amounts of blood (eg, in a serious accident) or a small amount of blood loss over a long period of time. The body loses more iron from blood loss than it can replace with food. This can happen in women with heavy periods or in people with inflammatory bowel disease.
Need more iron than before (for example, during pregnancy or illness).

5. Prevention of anemia

Because anemia often results from nutritional and disease-related causes, such as malaria or intestinal worm infections along with iron deficiency, anemia needs to be addressed through an integrated package of interventions, including include:
Daily universal iron-folic acid supplement for pregnant women with the recommended dose of 60mg iron and 400mcg folic acid; Fortification of micronutrients for popular local food products; Control malaria in pregnancy with intermittent prophylaxis, bed linen treated with a prolonged insecticide, and indoor residual spraying. Control hookworm through the use of dewormers such as albendazole and mebendazole as part of routine antenatal care when hookworm prevalence is > 20%; and the optimal birth interval is at least 2 years. Eat plenty of iron-rich foods, such as tofu, green and leafy vegetables, lean red meat, lentils, beans, iron-fortified cereals and breads. Eat and drink foods and drinks rich in vitamin C. Avoid drinking tea or coffee with your meals, as they can affect iron absorption.
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Blood count tests can be done individually or included in all Vinmec Health Checkup packages. To protect your health and timely detect diseases through blood count tests, you should check your health every 6 months for health advice and effective disease prevention.
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