The reason why you lose your voice

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Loss of voice is a manifestation that can be seen in many different diseases. Often with each different disease will be accompanied by other symptoms in addition to the symptom of loss of voice. Some people may experience long-lasting loss of voice that affects their quality of life, it is necessary to find the cause and treat it thoroughly to avoid the irreversible condition of the voice.

1. What is voice loss?

Voice loss is a condition in which your voice becomes hoarse, not as clear as before or even difficult to make out. Loss of voice is not a disease, it is a symptom that can be experienced in many different diseases.
Voice helps us to convey information to those around us, conveying emotions according to the intensity and volume of the voice. The natural loss of your normal voice can both make you feel anxious and make communication difficult. Making it difficult for listeners to fully understand what you want to say, especially for those who often have to speak like teachers, MCs...
Voice loss can be caused by many different reasons and for each cause, the Treatment is also different. It is most commonly caused by the common cold or flu.
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2. Causes of voice loss

Causes of voice loss, voice loss can be many. Here are some common causes of voice loss:
Cold This is the most common cause of voice loss. A cold is a disease caused by many viruses that can be caused by a variety of viruses, often when you have a cold, causing your throat to become painful and swollen, and your vocal cords are also swollen, thereby hindering the vibration of the vocal cords, causing you to lose weight. lost voice. Other possible cold symptoms include low-grade fever, headache, body aches, runny nose, stuffy nose, dry cough or cough with thin white phlegm. Usually you just need to treat the common symptoms, combined with keeping warm, drinking warm water ... after a few days to a week the disease will heal on its own and your voice can return to its original state. However, in some cases, if after 7 to 10 days there is no improvement, the symptoms are more severe, the nose is stuffy, the cough is thick, you may have a bacterial superinfection that needs to be treated with antibiotics.
Influenza is also a common cause of voice loss. The flu is caused by the flu virus, which usually causes more severe symptoms than the common cold. Common symptoms of flu include sore throat, hoarseness, headache, fever, possibly high fever, muscle aches, fatigue, stuffy nose, runny nose and cough. In addition, there may be other symptoms such as vomiting or diarrhea. Most disease symptoms can be improved with symptomatic treatment, proper diet and rest in about a week. However, a common complication of the flu, pneumonia, can happen, especially in young people, the elderly, or people with respiratory and circulatory problems. Fortunately, the flu can be prevented with an annual vaccination.
Having to use your voice too much Each time you speak or sing, different muscles need to be used, including some in the mouth and throat. Just like other muscles in the body, overusing the muscles to sing or speak also causes those muscles to fatigue, stress and injury to the muscles, making you hoarse and lose your voice. In addition, it can be combined with using the wrong technique, which also makes us more susceptible to loss of voice such as singing and talking too loudly, coughing too much, using a higher or lower tone than usual for a long time.
Smoking Cigarette smoke irritates the vocal cords, which in the long run can lead to voice problems. Studies show that former and current smokers are about three times more likely to develop a voice disorder than never-smokers. Additionally, smoking can also increase your risk of developing a small, non-cancerous growth called a polyp on your vocal cords. It can cause your voice to become hoarse.
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Allergies When you think of allergies, you probably immediately think of a runny nose, itchy eyes, and sneezing. But actually, allergies can also affect your voice in a number of ways, such as causing the vocal cords to swell, postnasal drip into the vocal cords and irritating the vocal cords. Injury to the vocal cords, medication can make the throat area dry, making the vocal cords not working properly.
Rheumatoid Arthritis This is an autoimmune disease that causes swelling, pain and stiffness in the joints. About one-third of people with rheumatoid arthritis experience voice problems, including sore throat and loss of voice. That's because the condition can affect the small joints in the face and throat, leading to problems with breathing and the functioning of the vocal cords.
Thyroid disease The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped gland that makes hormones that control several functions in your body. When your thyroid isn't producing enough, one symptom you may experience is a hoarse voice. If your thyroid gland is enlarged, you may have a cough and difficulty speaking.
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) This is a condition in which stomach acid backs up into the esophagus. The main symptom is heartburn, a burning pain in the stomach, but this disease can also affect your voice. Acid in the stomach can irritate the vocal cords, throat, and esophagus. This leads to hoarseness, wheezing, and a lot of mucus in your throat.
Laryngitis Laryngitis is a condition caused by many causes, the main symptom is making your voice hoarse. Acute laryngitis can be caused by a cold or overusing your voice, or chronic laryngitis if something is irritating, such as secondhand smoke or chemical fumes.
Nodules, polyps and cysts Although the cause is unknown, noncancerous growths can appear on your vocal cords. Some favorable factors can be excessive voice overuse, such as shouting or talking too much. There are three types including:
Nodules: These callus-like shapes usually develop in the middle of the vocal cords. They tend to disappear without talking for a while. Polyps: These usually appear on one side of the vocal cords and come in many sizes and shapes. Unlike nodules, they usually need to be removed surgically. Cysts: These are liquid-filled or semi-solid semi-liquid masses that develop near or below the surface of the vocal cords. If they produce severe changes to the voice, surgery is often needed to remove them. Nervous system disease A condition that affects the nervous system, such as Parkinson's disease, can affect the muscles in the face and throat. Nearly 90% of people with Parkinson's have some form of voice disorder. Parkinson's disease causes parts of the brain that control movement and coordination to be impaired. This can mean that you no longer have the ability to control the muscles needed for speech.
Throat cancer Hoarseness or persistent loss of voice can be a sign of nasopharyngeal cancer. Other symptoms of the disease can be seen as ear pain, pain when swallowing, difficulty breathing, seeing a lump in the neck area...
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Above are the causes of loss of voice, loss of voice. If you find voice problems persist for more than 2 weeks, it is important to visit an ENT clinic for proper diagnosis and treatment to improve quality of life.
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