Nutritional value of chia seeds

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Chia seeds are a type of seed with high nutritional value for the health of users. These seeds are rich in antioxidants, fiber, protein and other essential minerals. Regular consumption of chia seeds can effectively prevent serious conditions such as heart disease, diabetes or metabolic syndrome.

1. What are Chia Seeds?

Chia seeds are small, black seeds from the Salvia hispanica plant, the same species as mint or basil. This plant, native to Guatemala and Mexico, was an essential food in the daily life of the ancient Maya and Aztecs.
People here often appreciate these nuts because of the great nutritional value they bring to health. On the other hand, the word “divide” in the ancient Mayan word means “strength”.
The reason chia seeds have such "power" is because they themselves are rich in protein, fiber and omega-3 fatty acids, along with a variety of minerals and antioxidants important to the body. Besides, it is also used as a remedy, helping to improve health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes or digestive system problems.
Chia seeds are quite small in size compared to other seeds, shaped like an egg, flattened with a smooth and shiny texture. Their color usually ranges from white to brown or black.
Although in ancient times this nut was considered a dietary food, today it has become a widely used and loved superfood.
Hạt chia được sử dụng như một bài thuốc giảm cân

2. Nutritional value of chia seeds

Although chia seeds are small in size, they are rich in nutritional value. 1 ounce of chia seeds (equivalent to 28 grams) contains:
Calories: 137 Carbohydrates: 1 gram Protein: 4 grams Fat: 9 grams (mostly omega-3s) Fiber: 11 grams Calcium: 18% RDI Magnesium : 30% RDI Manganese: 30% RDI Phosphorus: 27% RDI There are also other minerals such as vitamin B1 (thiamine), vitamin B2, vitamin B3 (niacin), zinc, potassium. In particular, Chia seeds are organic, non-GMO and gluten-free. Here are the health benefits that chia seeds bring, including:
2.1 Rich in antioxidants Chia seeds contain high levels of antioxidants that help protect the sensitive fat source in the seeds not go rancid. Moreover, this antioxidant can prevent the production of free radicals that damage cell molecules, leading to aging and dangerous diseases like cancer.
Chất chống oxy hóa có tác dụng giúp ngăn ngừa ung thư

2.2 Fortified Fiber One ounce (28 grams) of chia seeds contains 12 grams of carbs, however, 11 grams of that is fiber, 29% of the RDI for men and 44% of the RDI for women, respectively. It is because of the very small percentage of digestible carbs that chia seeds are a low-carb food.
The special ability of fiber is to well control blood sugar, lower blood pressure, thereby effectively preventing the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
Besides, chia seeds have a special ability to absorb water, they can increase the volume of food in the digestive tract, create a feeling of fullness faster, absorb food more slowly and help the body load fewer calories. .
One of the other great uses of fiber in chia seeds is to nourish the beneficial bacteria living in the intestinal tract. This helps to improve the health of the digestive system, significantly reducing constipation and indigestion.
2.3 Increases blood omega-3 levels In fact, omega-3 fatty acids are much higher in chia seeds than in salmon. However, they're mostly alpha linolenic acid (ALA), which doesn't offer as many health benefits as you might think. Meanwhile, the human body encounters difficulties in converting ALA to these active forms. So plant-based omega-3s are often undervalued compared to animal sources, such as fish oil. According to recent studies, chia seeds can increase levels of ALA (about 138%) and EPA (about 39%), but do not provide any DHA. In order for your body and brain to receive DHA, you should eat fatty fish or take fish oil regularly.
Omega-3 có trong hạt chia không đem lại nhiều giá trị dinh dưỡng

2.4 Reduce the risk of heart disease In addition to the benefits against diabetes or cancer, chia seeds also have the ability to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
Researchers performed an experiment on mice and showed that chia seeds can reduce certain risk factors, including insulin resistance, inflammation, triglycerides and belly fat. In addition, this seed also helps to increase the amount of good cholesterol HDL in the body.
Several other studies have also shown that chia seeds can control blood pressure levels in people with high blood pressure, which is one of the leading risk factors for heart disease.
Although chia seeds can offer many benefits for heart health, they are not absolute unless you combine them with other healthy diets.
2.5 Strengthens Bones Chia seeds contain many other nutrients important for bone health, including phosphorus, calcium, protein and magnesium. These nutrients contribute to promoting the flexibility and strength of bones, limiting the condition of fractures or fractures.
With an impressive calcium content - 18% of the RDI in 1 ounce of chia seeds, higher than the calcium content in dairy products. Therefore, it is especially useful for people who do not use dairy.
Hạt chia chứa nhiều dưỡng chất giúp xương dẻo dai và chắc khỏe

2.6 Blood sugar control Elevated fasting blood sugar levels are a classic sign of type 2 diabetes. If this condition persists, it can lead to other chronic diseases, including heart disease and metabolic syndrome.
Scientists have proven that chia seeds have the effect of improving insulin sensitivity, effectively controlling and stabilizing blood sugar levels after meals. To lower blood sugar levels after a meal, you can eat bread made with chia seeds.
2.7 Reduce Chronic Inflammation Inflammation is a common symptom of an injury or infection, such as swelling and redness of the skin. Inherently, the body's inflammatory response is designed to fight viruses, bacteria and heal wounds, but sometimes it has some serious health risks, such as disease. cancer and heart disease.
In particular, chronic inflammation often does not show any specific symptoms, can only be assessed based on inflammatory markers in the blood. It is unhealthy lifestyles such as little exercise, frequent smoking, ... that increase the risk of chronic inflammation. On the other hand, consuming healthy foods will reduce markers of inflammation in the blood. Studies have shown that people with diabetes who regularly eat 37 grams of chia seeds per day can reduce the inflammatory marker hs-CRP by about 40%.
Hạt chia giúp giảm các tình trạng viêm mãn tính

2.8 Easy to Incorporate into Your Diet With its small size, you can easily incorporate and incorporate chia seeds into your everyday dishes.
Chia seeds can be eaten directly, or added to juices, smoothies, porridge, cereals, yogurt, baked goods, rice, vegetables or pudding.
Nutritionists recommend eating about 20 grams (equivalent to 1.5 tablespoons) of chia seeds, used twice a day.

3. Some notes when using chia seeds

Although chia seeds do not cause any side effects, to limit their negative effects on the digestive system, you should drink plenty of water before eating them.
Most seeds contain phytic acid, and chia seeds are no exception. This acid is an anti-nutrient, which interferes with the body's absorption of minerals such as zinc, iron and calcium, leading to mineral deficiencies. In addition, chia seeds have a large amount of omega-3 fats, which have the ability to thin the blood. In case you are taking anticoagulant medications, consult a dietitian before adding this food to your daily diet, because omega-3 fatty acids can interfere with your health. to drug function.
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