Clitoral hypertrophy in girls: how to treat?

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Clitoral hypertrophy in girls is a type of birth defect of the external genitalia. The manifestation of this phenomenon is that the clitoris of girls is as large as the penis of boys, even larger in some cases. So what causes this condition and how to treat it properly?

1. Clitoral hypertrophy in girls what disease?

There are three types of birth defects in sex:
One is male and female. Specifically, the baby is genetically male, the baby's sex chromosome is male. The baby has a gene for testicular differentiation, but the structure of the external genitalia is similar to that of a female. Manifestations of this type of defect are a small penis and impossibility of palpation of the testicles. However, the ultrasound showed no uterus or ovaries. The second is the pseudo-male bisexual female body. This form carries the genetic characteristics of being female, with female sex chromosomes, but the external morphology of the genitals is similar to the male sex. An enlarged penis may be observed, but no testes can be seen. The ultrasound shows the uterus and ovaries. The third is true hermaphrodite. Manifestation is that the patient has genitals that cannot be identified as male or female. On ultrasound, both ovaries and testes were found. Clitoral hypertrophy in female pseudo-hermaphrodites. Affected children still have XX chromosomes, have ovaries, uterus and vagina, but the external genitalia are male.

2. Manifestations of clitoris hypertrophy in girls

2.1 Symptoms of clitoris hypertrophy Primary clitoris hypertrophy is a form of female genital malformation in girls divided into the following degrees:
Grade I: primary clitoris hypertrophy. Grade II: clitoris hypertrophy, vulva narrowing, urethra and vagina separate but close to each other. Grade III: The clitoris has a penile shape. Grade IV: the clitoris has a penile shape, the child has a low urinary opening, the vagina pours into the urethra. Grade V: complete virilization with the female external genitalia similar to that of a male, but without testes in the scrotum. 2.2 Complications of clitoral hypertrophy Clitoral hypertrophy not only affects the psychology and living habits of the patient but also leaves the following complications:
Difficulty conceiving in people with clitoral hypertrophy. Depending on the disease status and the degree of clitoral enlargement, it affects the fertility of the patient. Inherited offspring with congenital adrenal hyperplasia can often still become pregnant. Certain disorders of sex development can increase the risk of certain types of cancer.

3. Causes of clitoris enlargement in girls

Causes of clitoris hypertrophy in girls include:
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia. This can be understood as a genetic condition that causes the adrenal glands to produce excess male hormones (androgens). Prenatal male hormone exposure. Certain medications that contain male hormones or that stimulate male hormone production in pregnant women can cause female genitalia in babies to grow and become more masculine. If the mother has a disease or condition that causes a hormone imbalance, the baby in the womb may also be exposed to excess male hormones. Maternal tumors can also cause increased male hormone production.

4. Clitoral hypertrophy should be treated properly

After the parent, child and doctor have chosen the sex, treatment for clitoris hypertrophy can be started. This is an uncommon and quite complicated disease, so it needs to be treated properly.
4.1 Drugs for Clitoral Enlargement Hormonal drugs are used to correct hormonal imbalances. Appropriate hormone levels can be administered to reduce tissue size in cases where the disease is caused by small to moderate adrenal hyperplasia. In some cases, it is possible to use hormones when reaching puberty.
4.2 Clitoral Enlargement Surgery Surgery can be performed on children with clitoris hypertrophy whose genitals match the child's sex and perform normal sexual function. If surgery is done early, it will help improve sexual function later on. Clitoral enlargement in girls requires constant medical care and monitoring.

5. Subjects at risk of clitoral hypertrophy

Disorders of sex development are caused by genetic abnormalities that can be inherited. Therefore, subjects at risk of clitoris hypertrophy include:
Families with unexplained infant deaths Presence of abnormalities in the genitals Puberty with changes in appearance Physical abnormalities Congenital adrenal hyperplasia, which is a group of genetic disorders that affect the adrenal glands. Here's what you need to know about clitoral hypertrophy. Sharing about the causes and treatment of this rare disease will hopefully help parents and patients get the necessary information. To prevent clitoral hypertrophy, it is necessary to manage the use of hormonal drugs closely. Pregnant women need regular check-ups to detect abnormal fetal clitoris as early as possible.

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