How to prevent respiratory infections in children

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Respiratory infections are very common in children, because they have not yet formed immunity to viruses and bacteria. Therefore, every parent needs to master the ways to prevent respiratory infections in children to protect their children's comprehensive health.

1. Which children are at high risk for respiratory infections?

All children are at risk for common respiratory infections. In general, young children are more likely to get respiratory infections than adults, because:
Children's resistance is less. Children's immune systems are often weaker than adults' when it comes to fighting cold germs. Winter. Most respiratory illnesses in young children occur in the fall and winter, when children are indoors and around more germs. Humidity also decreases during this season. Go to school or daycare. Respiratory infections are more contagious when children are in close contact. Hand-to-mouth communication. Children are always unconsciously touching their eyes, nose or mouth whenever they don't wash their hands. This is the most common way germs are spread. Therefore, knowing the common characteristics of the disease, parents will have a better way to prevent respiratory infections for their children.

2. Ways to prevent respiratory infections in children

Simple measures can help prevent respiratory infections in young children, including:
Stay up-to-date on all your child's respiratory vaccines. Evidence shows that children who get the flu vaccine during the current flu season who become infected with COVID-19 have fewer symptoms and more severe illness. Likewise, children who completed the pneumococcal respiratory tract vaccination series were less likely to develop symptoms when infected with COVID-19. Hand washing is a necessary and highly effective way to prevent respiratory infections in children effectively by stopping the spread of infections. Hands should be wet with plain soap and water, and rubbed together for 15 to 30 seconds. Teach children to wash their hands before and after eating and after coughing and sneezing. An alcohol-based hand sanitizer is a good alternative to disinfecting hands if a hand sink is not available. These types of products can be used repeatedly without irritating the skin or reducing effectiveness. Isolate children with known or suspected respiratory infections at home, keep them away from other children in the household Parents use virus-killing household cleaners on surfaces children can Exposure is also a way to prevent respiratory infections in children.

3. When should a child with a respiratory infection need to be examined?

If a child has any of the following characteristics while having a respiratory illness, parents or caregivers should take the child to the doctor immediately, regardless of the time of day or night.
Long-term refusal to eat or drink Changes in behavior, including irritability or apathy (decreased responsiveness); this usually requires the child to get immediate medical attention. Shortness of breath or rapid, rapid breathing; This usually requires immediate medical attention. Fever above 38.4°C lasts more than three days Nasal congestion gets worse or doesn't improve for 10 days Red eyes or yellow discharge Have other signs or symptoms Symptoms of ear infections (pain, pulling, fussiness) In summary, respiratory diseases in children are very common. Because therapies for the underlying cause of recurrent respiratory infections are limited, ways to prevent respiratory infections in children deserve priority. Accordingly, the main basis in preventing respiratory infections for children is educating parents, such as risk factors for children's disease, proper hygiene steps and, importantly, vaccination against respiratory infections. complete for children.
Pediatrics Department - Vinmec International General Hospital is the address for receiving and examining diseases that infants and young children are susceptible to: viral fever, bacterial fever, otitis media, pneumonia in children, .... With modern equipment, sterile space, minimizing the impact as well as the risk of disease spread. Along with that is the dedication from experienced doctors who specialize in pediatric patients, making the examination no longer a concern for parents.

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