Snoring and the risk of sudden death

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Snoring is a symptom that occurs during sleep: the posterior pharynx narrows. When the sleeper breathes, some air enters, but because it passes through a narrower area, the surrounding tissues vibrate, creating a sound that people call snoring.
Who snores easily? People with small chin, narrow pharynx or soft palate and large base of tongue. People with enlarged tissues in the nose, mouth, or throat (enlarged tonsils are a common cause of snoring in children). People with nasal congestion (possibly due to upper respiratory tract infections, allergies, nasal polyps). People with deviated septum People with loss of tone in the muscles in the throat (may be due to aging or lack of exercise). Obese people, in a lying position, the fat belly will press on the diaphragm, causing difficulty in breathing, the fat of the neck area presses on the pharyngeal muscles, making this area more prone to narrowing when sleeping. People who have a habit of breathing through their mouth, drinking alcohol before sleeping or taking sleeping pills. Smoking makes the pharynx area often inflamed, creating granulation tissue, causing narrowing of the pharynx. Eat well before going to bed. Sleep on your back. Snoring is hereditary.
Hút thuốc lá làm cho vùng hầu họng thường xuyên bị viêm nhiễm, tạo các mô hạt, gây hẹp hầu họng
Snoring can cause strokes and heart attacks Unforeseen dangers of snoring:
Snoring can cause strokes and heart attacks. That's because frequent snoring can lead to narrowing of the carotid arteries. The carotid artery is the main artery in the neck responsible for delivering oxygen to the brain.
For women who start snoring during pregnancy, there is an increased risk of preeclampsia and high blood pressure.
In addition, snoring is one of the causes of chronic headaches. The researchers found that people who snore while sleeping face three times the risk of headaches compared to people who don't snore.
When you snore, you are often at risk of sleep apnea because the soft tissues and mucous membranes of the throat block the trachea, making the lungs and brain deprived of oxygen. At this time, the brain will send a signal to dilate the throat and trachea, making the breathing process return to normal. However, if the disorder occurs continuously, it will cause sleep apnea, causing poor sleep and interrupted periods of deep sleep. Thus, the brain is not fully rested after a day of activity, making you tired, reducing work productivity, unable to focus on work, long-term memory loss.
Snoring is not a serious disease, but many people with snoring are of working age, so if not treated, it will affect work because the patient is always sleepy, tired, difficult to concentrate at work. In the long term, snoring aggravates diseases in patients with metabolic disorders (obesity, diabetes, dyslipidemia), patients with cardiovascular disease or high blood pressure.
An investigation to be done is polysomnography to record a series of human physiological parameters during sleep to diagnose and assess the severity of sleep apnea syndrome and various sleep disorders . For polysomnography, the patient will go to the measuring room and spend the night there. Medical staff will attach sensors to several locations on the body to record patient parameters such as electrocardiogram, eye electrocardiogram, electroencephalogram, oxygen/blood saturation, snoring as well as snoring. such as apnea and other sleep abnormalities. Currently, polysomnography is the most effective means of diagnosing sleep disorders. From the results of polysomnography, the doctor will conclude whether the person has sleep apnea syndrome or other sleep disorders, to what extent, and provide a specific treatment plan.
iện nay đa ký giấc ngủ là phương tiện chẩn đoán hữu hiệu nhất các rối loạn giấc ngủ
Polysomnography is noninvasive and completely painless. From the results of polysomnography, doctors will know if the patient has mild, moderate or severe snoring.
With the sleep measurement service, customers will be completely assured when coming to Vinmec. Because unlike other conventional sleep polygraphs that can only diagnose obstructive sleep apnea, Vinmec International General Hospital uses the Sappire PSG sleep polysomnography system. This is a comprehensive sleep monitoring system developed by CleveMed that can diagnose obstructive, central or mixed sleep apnea causes. This machine system has 22 channels for receiving signals such as: electroencephalogram, electromyogram, electrocardiogram, electrocardiogram, measuring oxygen saturation, measuring airway pressure, determining snoring, thoracic induction, induction of drive Abdominal, blood pressure, temperature,... For more information about the service, please contact:
Vinmec International General Hospital
Address: 458 Minh Khai, HBT, Hanoi
Tel: 84- 4-3974 3556
Hotline: 84-4-3974 3558
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