Why is atopic dermatitis easy to recur?

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The article was professionally consulted by Specialist Doctor I Le Thi Thu Hang - Dermatologist - Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital. Thu Hang has over 12 years of experience in the field of dermatology.
Atopic dermatitis is a chronic inflammatory skin disease that can occur at any age, the prominent symptom is itching that makes the patient uncomfortable. The disease usually has an early onset, with recurrent episodes and can last a lifetime.

1. What is atopic dermatitis?

Atopic dermatitis is a skin disease that makes your skin red and itchy. The disease occurs in almost all subjects, including adults and children. When the patient itch, the more the patient scratches, the worse the disease becomes, even the wounds are at risk of infection. Atopic dermatitis recurs many times, progresses persistently, has a loud, acute episode, has a settling phase, silently makes the patient uncomfortable.
Causes and favorable factors:
Environmental factors play an important role in the onset of the disease: + Environmental pollution, the work environment must be in constant contact with detergents, chemicals or cloth dust.
+ Climate: the disease is worse when the seasons change, or the cold and dry weather makes the dry skin worse...
Genetic factors: atopic dermatitis has not been clearly determined by which gene is responsible. . About 60% of adults with atopic dermatitis have children with this disease, if both parents have the disease, up to 80% of children will also have the disease. Symptoms of atopic dermatitis often show with the following signs:
Itching: This is the first obvious symptom that directly affects the health and daily life of the patient. Red rash and blisters on the skin: The most affected skin areas are the back of the knee, the front of the elbow, the neck, chest, face... causing cosmetic loss. Scabies: People with atopic dermatitis scratch a lot, causing the damaged skin to crack and form scabs that can cause pain and discomfort. Other manifestations of atopic dermatitis: - Dermatitis of the palms, feet: found in 20-80% of patients, is the first sign of atopic dermatitis in adults.
- Inflammation of the skin around the eyelids, eczema in the breast
- Inflammation of the cheilitis.
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2. Why is atopic dermatitis easy to recur?

As a chronic disease, recurrent atopic dermatitis makes the patient uncomfortable. The disease usually has an early onset, with recurrent episodes and can last a lifetime.
There have been no studies to determine the exact cause of atopic dermatitis. However, some of the following factors can increase the risk and make the disease worse:
Genetics: Atopic dermatitis is a complex genetic disease. For people whose grandparents and parents have atopic dermatitis, the next generation has a much higher risk of disease, and higher than those whose parents have asthma or allergic rhinitis. That suggests there are specific genes for atopic dermatitis. Chemical allergy: The chemicals in daily life or industry (preservatives, detergents) when in contact with the skin, causing body allergies can lead to atopic dermatitis. Environmental pollution: Environmental pollution, dust, water pollution are also factors that cause atopic dermatitis. Food allergy: eating certain foods that are susceptible to allergies such as eggs, milk, fish, soy or wheat... Other causes of atopic dermatitis: Poor hygiene, stress, stress, health weak resistance, sensitive body... are ideal conditions for bacteria to easily penetrate the body.
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3. Complications of atopic dermatitis

Complications of atopic dermatitis may include:
Superinfection: Because the disease causes a lot of itching, the patient often scratches causing skin abrasions, bacteria penetrate through the scratches on the skin, causing chemical abscesses , ulcers ... when treated, there is a risk of leaving bad scars, causing aesthetic loss Sleep problems: Atopic dermatitis that recurs many times, affecting quality of life as well as the quality of life. patient's sleep. Skin thickening-lichenification: patients have persistent itching, so they often reflect by scratching the damaged area, leaving thick, dark patches of skin for a long time, causing aesthetic loss. Redness of the whole body: due to improper treatment, abuse of topical and oral corticosteroids, the patient's skin is often red, peeling...

4. Treatment of atopic dermatitis

Treatment of atopic dermatitis should adhere to the following principles:
Do not scratch the itch: Instead of scratching with your fingernails, use your fingertips to press the itch to feel less uncomfortable. You can also trim your nails or wear gloves at night to avoid injuring your skin by accidentally scratching. Apply moisturizer: Moisturizing cream works to prevent dry skin and avoid itching, limiting recurrence. Moisturizers must be used daily and continued long after symptoms have improved. Wear comfortable clothing: You can reduce skin irritation by avoiding tight and stiff clothing. Choose clothes that absorb sweat and are soft. Reduce stress and anxiety: Stress and other psychological disorders can make atopic dermatitis worse. You need to find ways to improve your psychological health to reduce itchy skin. Topical and oral anti-itch drugs such as corticosteroid cream + antibiotics. Give oral antibiotics to fight Staphylococcus aureus in case of superinfection. Antihistamines against itching. Oral medications for inflammation: For more severe cases, your doctor may prescribe oral corticosteroids such as prednisone. These drugs are effective, but cannot be used long-term because of serious side effects. In addition, to reduce redness and itching of the skin, choose anti-inflammatory foods to add to the menu. Anti-inflammatory foods include: Fish, fermented foods, fruits and vegetables. These substances can help you fight inflammation very well. Avoid foods that can trigger atopic dermatitis flares such as: Eggs, tomatoes, soybeans, certain nuts, citrus fruits, dairy products, gluten-containing foods, spices like vanilla, cloves and cinnamon, black tea, chocolate, canned meat,...
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Atopic dermatitis is a chronic progressive phase, in an exacerbation can cause intense itching that can cause complications when not promptly consulted and treated. Therefore, when there are signs and symptoms of atopic dermatitis, you should go to reputable specialized facilities to be examined by a doctor and have appropriate treatment, to avoid unwanted complications.

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