Early symptoms of ovarian cancer

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The article was written by doctors of Internal Oncology - Radiation Oncology Center - Vinmec Times City International General Hospital.
Normal ovaries are very small in size and located deep in the abdomen, so when there is an abnormality such as ovarian cancer, it is often difficult to diagnose in the early stages because of vague symptoms, it is difficult to feel any changes. any development. So anyone with unexplained abdominal symptoms lasting more than 2 weeks should see a doctor. According to studies, only about 19% of ovarian cancer patients are diagnosed at an early stage, mainly through incidental physical examination or screening.

1. What are the early signs of ovarian cancer?

Bloating, abdominal pain or digestive problems are characteristic for ovarian cancer.
Ovarian cancer does not cause any noticeable symptoms in its early stages.
Typical symptoms associated with ovarian cancer tend to develop in the later stages, when the growth of the tumor puts pressure on the bladder, uterus and rectum.
However, the following symptoms of ovarian cancer can develop at any stage, including:
Bloating Pelvic or abdominal pain or cramps Feeling full quickly after starting to eat or loss of appetite Indigestion or upset stomach Nausea Urinating more often or more urgently than usual Pressure in the lower back or pelvis Unexplained exhaustion Back pain Constipation Increased abdominal girth or swelling Pain having sex Menstrual changes Weight loss These symptoms can also be due to other medical conditions, which will usually respond to basic treatment or go away on their own.
However, if these symptoms develop suddenly and persist, or continue more or less each day despite basic treatment, see your doctor for a diagnosis as it could be a symptom of cancer. ovarian letter.
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2. When to see a doctor?

If a person suspects he or she has ovarian cancer, they should see a doctor right away.
Because ovarian cancer is difficult to diagnose in its early stages, the best way to reduce your chances of developing ovarian cancer is to take an active, proactive approach to the disease.
To ensure the best outcome, a person should talk to their GP or gynecologist about any potential symptoms as soon as possible.
Signs include any unexplained symptoms of ovarian cancer, or any new abdominal or pelvic symptoms that are:
Not related to other diagnoses Not responding to basic treatment, for example, back pain that doesn't go away with rest, or indigestion that doesn't improve with diet and exercise changes Lasts more than 2 weeks Occurs more than 12 days a month

3. Risk factors

Risk factors that make some people more likely to develop ovarian cancer than others include:
Family history of breast, ovarian or uterine cancer Having mutations in the BRCA1 and BRAC2 genes Having Lynch syndrome Never hours of pregnancy Obesity Certain medications that stimulate ovulation and female hormones Endometriosis Age, most cases develop after menopause People with a family history of genital cancer or Gastrointestinal cancer patients should talk to their doctor to check if they carry a mutated gene that increases the risk of ovarian cancer.
Factors that can reduce the risk of developing ovarian cancer include:
Pregnancy Breastfeeding Using birth control pills for at least 5 years Reproductive system surgery, such as hysterectomy, ablation oophorectomy or tubal ligation

4. Ovarian cancer diagnosis

Bác sĩ chỉ định các xét nghiệm phù hợp khi thăm khám
CT scans help doctors diagnose ovarian cancer.
There are some symptoms associated with ovarian cancer but that does not mean a person has the disease. Ovarian cancer cannot be self-diagnosed at home.
Diagnosis requires tests with the involvement of a specialist.
To diagnose ovarian cancer, your doctor will ask questions about your symptoms including:
When it started Response to basic treatment How long have symptoms been present How often they will occur Review the patient's own and family medical and cancer histories, particularly those of ovarian and breast cancer. Your doctor will perform a pelvic exam to see if the ovaries are inflamed, or if there is fluid in the abdomen.
Your doctor will order additional testing if:
There are abnormalities during the pelvic exam Symptoms suggest possible ovarian cancer Family history of ovarian cancer Tests the doctor has Doctors most often use to detect ovarian cancer initially include:
Transvaginal transvaginal ultrasound (TVUS) In this test, a doctor inserts an ultrasound probe into the vagina. The transducer emits ultrasound waves that bounce back, creating images of the uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries.
This technique helps determine if growths are solid or cysts (which are non-cancerous sacs that are filled with fluid).
CA-125 CA-125 blood test to measure the amount of CA-125 protein present in the blood. Many people with ovarian cancer have high levels of CA-125 in their blood.
However, people with other, less serious conditions, such as pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) and endometriosis, also often have high levels of this protein in their blood.
Not all women with ovarian cancer have elevated levels of CA-125 in their blood. According to studies, only about 80% of people with advanced ovarian cancer have elevated CA-125 levels, while only 50% have high CA 125 levels in the early stages of the disease.
Computed tomography (CT) Biopsy A biopsy involves inserting a fine needle into the body and removing a small portion of the tumor, which is then sent to a laboratory to check for signs of cancer. Biopsy results are an essential factor in the final diagnosis of ovarian cancer.
Screening and prevention methods There is currently no screening method to detect ovarian cancer in people who do not have any symptoms or who are not at higher-than-normal risk. The best way is to have an annual health checkup, especially those with risk factors.
5. Advantages of cancer treatment at Vinmec hospital Vinmec Cancer Center - Radiation Therapy is one of the centers in Vietnam that is fully equipped with cancer treatment modalities: From surgery, radiation therapy , chemotherapy, hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, pain treatment and palliative care. The diagnosis is made carefully: blood tests, advanced imaging techniques such as: PET/CT, SPECT/CT, MRI..., blood-marrow test (when indicated), biopsy, immunohistochemical staining, diagnosis by molecular biology. The treatment process is closely coordinated with many specialties: Center for Diagnostic Imaging, Laboratory Testing, Cardiology, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Department of Endocrinology, Department of Rehabilitation....
Diseases Before treatment, all patients are approved by a professional council (Multidisciplinary Tumor Board), with the participation of leading experts: Oncology Surgeon, Internal Oncologist, Oncologist, Pathologist, Diagnostic Imaging,...
Treatment protocols comply with international clinical practice guidelines (USA, Europe) (regularly updated), as well as consult oncology hospitals in the region and in the country (the basic protocol of the Ministry of Health of Vietnam) to bring about the most optimal cancer treatment results, suitable for each patient. .
To learn more about cancer treatment at Vinmec Times City and Vinmec Central Park, you can register for an online examination HERE or contact the Hotline:
Vinmec Times City International General Hospital (Hanoi) ): 0243 9743 556
Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital (HCMC) : 0283 6221 166
Reference article source: medical new 2019
CA 125: Imprint of ovarian cancer Too metastasis of ovarian cancer Follow-up after ovarian cancer treatment
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