Precautions while using Chloromis

Chloromis drugs and Chloromis-F drugs have similar effects and usage, only slightly different in composition. The following is detailed information about the uses, dosage, ... of this drug.

1. Characteristics and ingredients of Chloromis and Chloromis-F . drugs

Chloromis and Chloromis-F drugs are in powder form, for the treatment of dermatological diseases, for external use. Each medicine box is packed in the form of 20 vials x 1g.
Chloromis drug ingredient is zinc Bacitracin 5000 IU. This is an important micronutrient for the growth and functioning of the body. Zinc participates in the breakdown and synthesis of proteins and nucleic acids; Involved in the immune system, helping to prevent infections, especially gastrointestinal infections and respiratory infections. The composition of the drug Chloromis-F is 1g of powder including 500 IU Bacitracin (Bacitracin zinc form) and 10,000 IU Polymycin B (Polymycin B sulfate form). Bacitracin is an antibiotic isolated from Bacillus subtilis, commonly used topically with bactericidal or bacteriostatic effects. Polymycin B is a group of closely related antibiotics made up of Bacillus polymyxa strains, often used topically, alone with antibacterial and bactericidal effects.
Thuốc Cloromis-F
Thuốc Cloromis-F dạng bột

2. Indications and contraindications for the use of Chloromis and Chloromis-F . drugs

The drug is indicated for the treatment and prevention of skin infections if the wound is small. Wounds that can be used Cloromis and Chloromis-F are: Abrasions, cuts, cuts on legs, minor burns,... Contraindications:
Do not use Chloromis and Chloromis-F drugs for people who are sensitive to either of them. ingredients of the drug.

3. Some notes when using Chloromis and Chloromis-F . drugs

Dosage and way of use:
The drug is used externally. Specifically, the patient washed, dried the wound and then sprinkled a thin layer of powder on the affected area. You can then leave the wound open or cover it with a sterile gauze dressing; Drug interactions:
Bacitracin for external use, can be used in combination with antibiotics such as polymycin B, neomycin and sometimes in combination with corticosteroids to treat local infections caused by susceptible bacteria; Side effects:
Bacitracin is nephrotoxic if administered intravenously and intramuscularly. Using topical drugs is less toxic, but there is still a risk of rash, allergic hypersensitivity. Patients need to inform their doctor about unwanted side effects when using the drug;
Thuốc nhỏ mắt neomycin
Có thể dùng phối hợp thuốc bacitracin và neomycin để điều trị nhiễm khuẩn tại chỗ

Bacitracin is for external use. This drug may cause delayed reactions, allergic reactions or shock-like states after topical application in patients who are hypersensitive to any of the ingredients. Care should be taken when applying the drug on open wounds; Note when using the drug on pregnant and lactating women:
There is no evidence that the use of Bacitracin harms the fetus. However, during pregnancy, it is best for women not to take this medicine. Above is some information readers need to know when using Chloromis and Chloromis-F drugs. Patients should note that they should not self-medicate, but should consult a doctor, use the correct dose and recommended time to prevent any possible risks.

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