The effect of the drug Brinzolamide

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Brinzolamide known by other common names such as Azopt, Befardin, is a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor used to lower intraocular pressure in patients with open-angle glaucoma or glaucoma.

1. What is Brinzolamide?

Brinzolamide is used in the treatment of ocular glaucoma or other eye conditions such as ocular hypertension resulting in decreased/loss of vision. In addition, the drug also works to reduce high pressure in the eye, preventing blindness.
Mechanism of action: Brinzolamide belongs to a class of drugs known as carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, which work by reducing the amount of fluid inside the eye.
Severe renal failure with creatinine clearance < 30ml/min. Do not use in cases of allergy to the drug or to any of its ingredients. Do not use this medicine for patients who are using contact lenses. Before using contact lenses, the patient should wait at least 15 minutes after applying the eye drops before inserting the contact lens into the eye. Do not use in patients with hyperchloremic acidosis.

2. Dosage and usage of the drug Brinzolamide

How to use:
Brinzolamide is prepared in the form of a solution, used by instilling directly into the eyes. Steps to drop the medicine:
Before use, wash your hands. Check the dropper tip is not chipped or cracked to ensure the quality of the medicine, shake well before use . Tilt your head back, eyes up, then squeeze the dropper gently to get the solution into your eye. Close your eyes for 2 to 3 minutes to allow the solution to penetrate. Note, the patient does not blink or close the eyelids. Wipe off excess medication with a paper towel. Screw the cap tightly, do not wipe or wash the dropper tip. After using the medicine, the patient should wash their hands. When replacing another anti-glaucoma drug with Brinzolamide, the other drug should be stopped and Brinzolamide started the next day. Dosage:
Use alone or in combination with other therapeutic drugs: 1-2 times a day instill a drop of Brinzolamide suspension into the eye. Depending on the condition of the disease, in some cases, the dose can be increased to 3 times a day. Note:
Brinzolamide eye drops are used to control glaucoma but do not cure the disease completely. Therefore, patients should continue to use Brinzolamide eye drops even if their condition improves and should not stop using them without a doctor's prescription.

3. Brinzolamide drug side effects

Some common side effects when using the drug such as: Digestive disturbances, decreased vision, blurred vision, eye irritation, eye pain, foreign body sensation in the eye, glaucoma. Uncommon reactions: nasopharyngitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis, decreased red blood cells, depression, depressed mood, motor dysfunction, decreased libido, motor dysfunction, dizziness, keratitis, keratosis, allergic conjunctivitis, subconjunctival cyst, eyelid pruritus, scaly eyelid, conjunctival hyperplasia. More serious reactions include: Itchy eyes or skin, redness or swelling of eyes, lips, tongue, or skin, watery eyes, eye pain, skin rash, hives, trouble breathing or swallowing, sore throat, cold fever, chest tightness, memory loss, drowsiness, If these serious cases occur, the patient should notify the doctor for timely handling measures.

4. Be careful when using Brinzolamide

Before taking the medicine, the patient should tell the doctor if he is allergic to Brinzolamide, other antibiotics, Sulfa or any other drugs. Tell your doctor if you are taking other drugs such as: Acetazolamide, Dichlorphenamide, Methazolamide (Neptazane), products containing Aspirin because these drugs when combined with Brinzolamide can cause side effects. Use with caution in subjects with liver or kidney failure. Pregnancy: Brinzolamide is not recommended for use during pregnancy, women of reproductive age need to use safe methods of contraception. Breast-feeding: There are no clinical studies demonstrating the safety of the drug to young children. During the use of the drug, the patient should stop breastfeeding to limit the effects on the development of the baby. Above is the basic information about Brinzolamide for those who are interested in this drug. Please note that you should use Brinzolamide exactly as prescribed with the dose and time as noted by your doctor to achieve the best effect.

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