Uses of Memloba

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Memloba belongs to the group of drugs of herbal origin. The main use of Memloba is to increase blood flow in the arteries of the extremities and treat spontaneous edema, cerebral circulation disorders, short-term memory loss,...

1. What is Memloba?

The main ingredient of Memloba is ginkgo biloba extract, with a content of 40mg. The drug can be used for people from 12 years of age and older, it should be used with caution in pregnant and lactating women.
Memloba drug is prepared in the form of soft capsules with packaging including a box of 6 blisters, each blister of 10 tablets. You can use Memloba within 36 months from the date of manufacture. The main use of Memloba is to increase blood flow in the arteries of the extremities, treat short-term memory loss, spontaneous edema, cerebral circulatory disorders and mental impairment,...

2. What effect does Memloba have after use?

Memloba drug has the ability to decompose free radicals in the body, while inhibiting the formation of lipid peroxide. Since then, Memloba has the effect of protecting cell membranes from the effects caused by free radicals. In addition, Memloba can improve the circulatory system by reducing blood viscosity and increasing the elasticity of red and white blood cells. Memloba delivers glucose and oxygen to anemic tissues, regulates blood tone by releasing catecholamines, and inhibiting degradation.
The components in Memloba are eliminated mainly in the urine, only a small part in the feces. The half-life of Memloba is between 4 and 10 hours. Memloba is commonly used to increase blood flow to the extremities, treat spontaneous edema by maintaining capillary permeability, maintaining cellular energy metabolism,... In addition, high dryness Ginkgo is effective in preventing the formation of blood clots, which is good to use for the elderly.

3. Subjects assigned to use Memloba

Based on the effects of dried ginkgo biloba, doctors often prescribe Memloba drugs to:
Treat cerebral and peripheral blood circulation disorders. Improve concentration, dementia, memory impairment caused by hardening of blood vessels in the brain or symptoms after stroke. Symptomatic treatment of cold hands and feet, tingling sensation of chronic lower extremity artery occlusion. Visual disturbances. Blood circulation disorder. Retinopathy (complications of diabetes), macular degeneration (appears mainly in the elderly). Raynaud's syndrome.

4. Instructions for using Memloba and drug dosage

Dosage of Memloba medicine may vary depending on each person's medical condition or under the guidance of a doctor. You need to swallow the tablet whole in 1 dose, not chew or crush. Memloba can be taken with meals.
With the usual dose (adults and children 12 years and older): Take Memloba 3 times a day, 1 tablet each time. For patients with brain dysfunction: Take 1 to 2 tablets each time, 3 times a day. Dizziness: 1 capsule each time (3-4 times/day) or 2 tablets 1-2 times/day.

5. Precautions to be taken during the use of Memloba

Groups of subjects that are not indicated to use Memloba drugs include:
People who are sensitive to any of the ingredients in the drug (ginkgo). The patient is in the period of acute cerebrovascular accident. Patients with acute myocardial infarction, hypotension, bleeding disorders. Memory impairment (schizophrenia, congenital cerebral insufficiency). Children under 12 years old and people who are pregnant or breastfeeding. There is no proven information about overdose cases that Memloba can cause.
During treatment with Memloba, you may experience unwanted side effects such as: gastrointestinal disorders, allergic reactions, circulatory disorders (low blood pressure, dizziness, headache). , a few isolated cases of cardiac arrhythmias),... However, these symptoms appear very rarely.
Memloba medicine needs to be stored in a cool, dry place. Medicines should not be stored in places with too high air humidity such as bathrooms, toilets, ... Because these places will create conditions for mold to grow, causing drug damage.

6. Memloba interactions when combined with other drugs

When there is an interaction between drugs that can change their mechanism of action. This change can be beneficial or harmful for users. Memloba may interact with:
Anticonvulsants; Anticoagulants such as aspirin, clopidogrel, dipyridamole, heparin, ticlopidine, warfarin, ... should not be combined because Memloba also has blood-thinning properties. Antidepressants such as phenelzine, tranylcypromine. Above is all information about Memloba drug, patients need to carefully read the instructions for use, consult a doctor / pharmacist before using. Absolutely do not arbitrarily buy Memloba treatment at home because there may be unwanted side effects.

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