17 years old with high blood pressure should go for intravenous ultrasound to find the cause?

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Hello doctor! My son is 17 years old and has high blood pressure. The doctor who examined him advised him to go to a big hospital for an ultrasound scan of his veins to find the cause of high blood pressure. So the doctor asked me 17 years old with high blood pressure, should I go for an ultrasound scan to find the cause? Ask your doctor for advice. I would like to thank you.
Nguyen Thi Thanh Huyen (1979)
Hello, sister. With the question: "Should 17-year-olds with high blood pressure go to an ultrasound to find the cause?" For her, the doctor would like to consult as follows:
Hypertension in young people (especially children) should be ruled out due to physical causes such as: adrenal tumor, pathology narrowing or malformation of renal blood vessels... You should have your child see a cardiologist at a reputable medical facility with full equipment or one of the Vinmec Health System hospitals nationwide to find out cause. From there, the most effective way to treat the disease.
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Answered by Cardiologists - Coronary Intensive Care Clinic

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