Often tired when having ventricular extrasystoles, what drugs should be added and how to live to improve health?

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Hello doctor! I have sporadic ventricular extrasystoles, who are often tired (especially during periods of prolonged heat and change in weather). I went to the doctor and only gave vitamin 3B to take for 10 days, but there was still no sign of improvement in my health. So please ask, often tired when having ventricular extrasystoles, what medicine should be supplemented and how to live to improve health? Thank you doctor!
Anonymous customer questions
Hello! With the question "often tired when having ventricular extrasystoles, what drugs should be added and how to live to improve health? "The doctor would like to advise as follows: Ventricular extrasystoles are abnormal beats of the heart, if it occurs sporadically, it does not affect anything and does not require treatment. Your symptom is a constant feeling of fatigue that may not be related to ventricular extrasystoles.
For an accurate assessment, you should visit a cardiologist, from which there is an accurate method of monitoring and treatment for you. You can go to the hospitals of Vinmec Health System for more specific advice from doctors.
Thank you for trusting Vinmec. Best regards!

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Answered by Master, Doctor Tran Hong Nhat - Interventional Cardiologist - Cardiovascular Center - Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital.

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