The role of the pacemaker

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The article was professionally consulted by Dr. Ngo Dac Thanh Huy - Cardiologist - Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Danang International General Hospital. The doctor has experience and strength in the field of diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases, echocardiography, coronary angiography and intervention.
A pacemaker is one of the devices that helps the heart beat more evenly and efficiently. As one of the means to help support and control heart diseases such as arrhythmia, irregular heartbeat,...

1. Pacemaker

A pacemaker is a device used to make the heart beat more regularly and efficiently. The pacemaker is composed of two parts: a controller and two electrode wires.
Electrode wire: One end of the first electrode wire is connected to the controller, the other end is plugged into the heart wall. The second electrode wire has two ends attached to the atrium and ventricle. Controller: a small metal box that includes the circuitry and battery. The controller regulates the frequency of the electrical pulses, thereby sending low-energy electrical impulses to the heart by means of electrode wires. An electrical pulse causes the heart to contract at a set frequency.
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2. The role of the pacemaker

A pacemaker is an electronic device whose role is used to treat cardiovascular diseases such as arrhythmias. The structure of the heart has 4 chambers, including two upper chambers and two lower chambers. The upper chambers contract and draw blood and push down the lower chambers of the heart. When the ventricles contract, they push blood out of the heart to circulate throughout the body. The contraction process is called a heartbeat, and the electrical impulses control the beat.
Cells in the upper compartments generate this electrical signal, which moves down to the lower compartment producing alternating contractions. Cardiac arrhythmias disrupt electrical signals causing the heart to beat irregularly. The most common cases are increased heart rate and decreased heart rate. An arrhythmia that prevents the heart from pumping blood properly can cause a number of symptoms such as:
Fatigue Shortness of breath Chest pain Weakness Fainting Tachycardia
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Severe cases can cause serious damage to other organs in the body or cause cardiac arrest. Thus, a pacemaker can help relieve symptoms by using electrical impulses to influence the heartbeat. Depending on the patient's condition, the pacemaker can slow, speed up, or stabilize the heart rate.
Pacemakers can solve problems like atrial fibrillation. In this case, the upper chambers of the heart do not contract properly and the ventricles cannot pump enough blood out of the heart. Pacemakers can make sure the heart's chambers contract properly. In some cases, patients with cardiac arrhythmias require lifelong pacemaker use.
In addition, in some cases pacemakers can be directly implanted temporarily, in response to acute cardiac trauma such as drug overdose or heart attack. These cases need to be noted when approaching the magnetic resonance imaging machine or going through the security fence,... need to be declared, because it can seriously affect the pacemaker, and endanger the health of the heart. patient life.
In short, the role of the pacemaker is to monitor and record the activities of the heart. At the same time, it can also automatically adjust the electrical impulses of the heart according to the information it receives.

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