Can you use lemon juice to treat acid reflux?

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The article was written by Master, Doctor Mai Vien Phuong - Department of Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital.

Acid reflux is not an uncommon health condition. It could be a symptom of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Acid reflux causes inflammation and irritation in the lining of the esophagus. Although lemons are acidic, many people still believe that lemon juice can be used to treat acid reflux. Is this effective and safe?

1. Lemon juice and acid reflux

Acid reflux occurs when acid from the stomach backs up into the esophagus. This can cause inflammation and irritation of the lining of the esophagus. When this happens, you may feel a burning sensation in your chest or throat. This is called heartburn.
Anyone who has ever had heartburn knows that certain foods can make your symptoms worse. Did that spicy dinner you ate last night affect your reflux problem?
When it comes to lemons to relieve symptoms, there are some mixed signals, some saying it's true, some saying it's not. Some experts say that lemons and other citrus fruits increase the severity of acid reflux symptoms. Others advertise the benefits of "home remedies" using lemon juice. They claim it can relieve heartburn symptoms. So who has the right answer here?

2. What are the benefits of using lemon juice?

Lemon can aid in weight loss, helping to reduce the symptoms of acid reflux.
Citrus fruits can also help lower blood pressure and protect against cell damage.
Significant health benefits can be achieved by eating lemons. For example, a Trusted Source study found that compounds in lemons helped mice reduce fat cells and block them. Obesity and weight gain can both contribute to the symptoms of acid reflux. If lemons can help people lose weight, it could lead to a reduction in acid reflux symptoms.
A 2014 studyTrusted Source found that lemons were associated with lower blood pressure, especially in people at risk for high blood pressure and cholesterol. Lemons are rich in vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid. It is a potent antioxidant and helps protect your body against the cell damage that can be caused by acid reflux.
Nước chanh
Sử dụng nước chanh trong điều trị trào ngược dạ dày thực quản

3. What do the studies say?

Trusted sources show that a diet rich in ascorbic acid, such as lemon juice, actually helps protect the stomach from certain cancers and other damage. These findings particularly apply to people with peptic ulcers.
If your acid reflux is caused by low stomach acid, drinking lemon water may benefit you due to its potential alkalizing effects

4. How to Use Lemon Juice to Cure Acid Reflux

Although lemon juice is very acidic, a small amount mixed with water can have an alkalizing effect on digestion. This can help neutralize the acid in your stomach.
If you decide to try this home remedy, you should mix one teaspoon of fresh lemon juice with 250ml of water. Then take it about 20 minutes before a meal to help prevent symptoms that may be caused by food.
Remember to drink this mixture through a straw, if possible. This can prevent the acid in the juice from coming into contact with your teeth and eroding the enamel. And you should never drink lemon juice due to its acidity. It needs to be diluted with water to be effective.

5. Other Treatments for Acid Reflux

If acid reflux is mild or moderate, you can control it with over-the-counter (OTC) or prescription medications.
Antacids, such as Tums, can treat occasional heartburn. Stronger medications such as H2 blockers and proton pump inhibitors are better for recurrent acid reflux. They can provide relief for a long time and are available in different strengths.
There are risks to taking any medication, so talk to your doctor before starting any conventional treatment regimen. In cases of severe acid reflux, your doctor may recommend surgery to strengthen the esophageal sphincter.
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6. What can you do now?

Although research is limited, it's possible that lemon water may relieve your symptoms. If you want to try this home remedy, remember:
Dilute the lemon juice thoroughly with water. Add no more than a teaspoon of lemon juice. Drink the mixture through a straw. You might consider taking a tapering amount at first to determine what kind of effect it has. If you don't see an increase in symptoms, you may want to try the full amount of the medication.
If your symptoms persist, you should talk to your doctor. They can help come up with the best treatment plan for you.
If you have a need for consultation and examination at Vinmec Hospitals under the national health system, please book an appointment on the website for service.

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Reference source:
This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.


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