Confusion about diarrhea in people with HIV

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The article was professionally consulted by Doctor Department of Gastroenterology - Endoscopy, Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital.

Diarrhea in HIV-infected people causes many serious consequences, of which the main consequences are dehydration, electrolyte deficiency and malnutrition. Dehydration, if not treated promptly, can lead to death.

1. What is diarrhea in people with HIV?

1.1. Define

Diarrhea is the phenomenon of passing stools too many times in a day, accompanied by signs in the stool such as an unpleasant smell, sour, foamy or may be accompanied by blood. This disease can make people infected with HIV quickly exhausted their strength and wither. If this condition is not prevented and treated promptly, it can lead to death.

1.2. Reason

Diarrhea in people with HIV is caused by intestinal infections, parasites, and viruses. This is also known as AIDS-related opportunistic infection as a side effect when people with HIV take certain medications.

1.3. Clinical symptoms of the disease

Diarrhea is not clear, can have loose stools 1-2 times / day, or sometimes it takes a few days to have symptoms of loose stools Abdominal pain, possibly bloody stools. This symptom occurs differently from person to person in terms of frequency of occurrence. Other symptoms include fever, joint pain, night sweats, sore throat or rash. These symptoms usually last for weeks. This weakens the immune system of HIV-infected people, which can lead to opportunistic infections. In the late stage, due to a weakened immune system, the patient has opportunistic infections, possibly gastrointestinal infections with prolonged diarrhea, several times a day, which can last for months, making the patient exhausted. .

Tiểu đêm
Ở giai đoạn muộn, do hệ miễn dịch suy giảm, bệnh nhân có thể nhiễm khuẩn tiêu hóa với triệu chứng tiêu chảy kéo dài

2. How to treat diarrhea in HIV

First, it is necessary to determine if the patient is dehydrated and electrolytes, through the following signs:
Thirst. Skin wrinkling long after pinching (Casper sign), lips tight, face haggard. In children, if the fontanelle is still present, the fontanel is concave, the child is crying and struggling (Children are still nursing, going to the toilet 2-4 times a day, if it is half or more than that, the child has diarrhea). Weight loss, many cases of severe dehydration can lead to a loss of 5-10% of body weight. Rapid pulse, possible hypotension. HIV diarrhea is a very dangerous disease, so timely and reasonable treatment is the only way to save the lives of people living with HIV. People with HIV who have diarrhea lose fluids and electrolytes. Therefore, adding water is the first important thing in the treatment of this dangerous disease.
Drink Oresol (electrolyte powder pack), mix one pack with a liter of cold water, if mixed incorrectly, it will not promote the full effect of the drug. Stir thoroughly and evenly the solution is completely dissolved in water, drink instead of water, 1-3 sachets/day.
No fasting: Diarrhea patients need to eat enough nutrients to stay healthy and prevent weight loss. Eat nutritious foods such as a mixture of rice and beans, or a mixture of rice with meat or fish. Add cooking oil to food to increase energy. Dairy products, bananas, eggs are very nutritious and good for patients. People living with HIV with diarrhea should be encouraged to eat a lot, divided into several meals a day. The patient eats as much as possible. For children, they should divide into several meals, eat several times a day for easy digestion.
In case if the patient's family finds out that the HIV-infected patient has diarrhea, they need to be taken to the hospital immediately in the following cases:
Feeling very thirsty. Being irritable, feverish, or apathetic to the outside world. Can't eat normally. See a decline in general health. Go outside more than 10 times/day. There is blood in the stool. Prolonged diarrhea. Vomited many times. In order to prevent diarrheal syndrome in HIV-infected people, it is necessary to actively take steps to maintain hygiene in living and eating.

Khám bệnh
Nếu cảm thấy rất khát, bị kích thích vật vã, sốt nhiều, bệnh nhân cần phải đến bệnh viện ngay để được cấp cứu kịp thời

Specifically, people living with HIV need to eat foods that are washed, cooked, and properly processed, not raw, undercooked, or stored for a long time; always drink boiled water, ensure clean water source; Wash hands with soap after using the toilet, after cleaning children, after bathing sick people, after touching animals and before eating.
Not only treating the disease, HIV-infected people need to pay attention to protect their health in normal days to avoid weakening the immune system and the bacteria that have the opportunity to spread. People living with HIV need to keep their personal hygiene clean, drink boiled water, and eat hygienic food. Only then can you protect yourself and not infect others.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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