Does hepatitis B cause cirrhosis?

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The article was professionally consulted by Specialist Doctor I Vo Thi Thuy Trang - Gastroenterologist, Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Danang International Hospital.
Hepatitis B is one of the most dangerous liver diseases. According to statistics, about 25% of people with hepatitis B have serious liver damage, many cases of complications into cirrhosis, liver cancer, liver failure, even death.

1. What is Hepatitis B?

Hepatitis B is caused by the HBV virus, also known as the hepatitis B virus. Healthy people with good resistance or older children infected with the HBV virus have the ability to produce immunity against the HBV virus. When that is considered acute hepatitis B infection, ie the disease lasts only a short time.
In contrast, people who have chronic hepatitis B, which lasts for many months, are called chronic hepatitis B. Hepatitis B is very contagious. According to statistics from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, up to 25% of Americans have hepatitis B.
viêm gan B
Viêm gan B do virus HBV gây ra và rất dễ lây lan

2. Symptoms of Hepatitis B

Initially infected with hepatitis B virus, patients often have no obvious symptoms. The disease only has symptoms when it is severe, the liver has been damaged. Therefore, hepatitis B becomes even more dangerous, considered a "silent killer".
Symptoms of hepatitis B include:
Jaundice, yellow eyes; Body aches, fatigue; Erythema; Urine is dark in color; Stools are gray-green; Nausea, vomiting; Fever; Anorexia, loss of appetite; Stomachache; Itching all over. When you see symptoms of the disease or see unusual signs, you should immediately go to medical facilities for examination.
Gan, tổn thương gan
Viêm gan B chỉ biểu hiện triệu chứng khi gan đã bị tổn thương nặng

3. How is hepatitis B contagious?

Hepatitis B is an infectious disease. There are 3 ways hepatitis B is spread, including:
Hepatitis B is transmitted from mother to baby If a pregnant woman has hepatitis B, there is a 90% chance that the fetus will be infected. The rate of mother-to-child transmission depends on the duration and severity of hepatitis B infection in the mother. Therefore, it is recommended that young children receive the hepatitis B vaccine from birth.
Hepatitis B is spread through blood Hepatitis B can be transmitted through blood. Therefore, do not share needles, razors, tattoo needles... to avoid infection. Do not even share a toothbrush because the patient's gums may bleed during the brushing process, leading to viral infection.
Hepatitis B virus is very persistent in the environment, even the virus can live even when the blood stain has dried. If you come into contact with a hepatitis B patient with an open wound, use gloves and disinfect them carefully.
Sexually Transmitted Hepatitis B Hepatitis B can be sexually transmitted, including homosexual and heterosexual relationships. To avoid infection, be monogamous, wear a condom when having sex.
Quan hệ tình dục với người bị viêm gan B
Viêm gan B có thể lây qua đường tình dục

4. Does hepatitis B cause cirrhosis?

As mentioned, hepatitis B only manifests itself when the liver is severely damaged. When the disease is in its early stages, patients often do not know to receive early treatment. Hepatitis B is one of the leading causes of cirrhosis. Hepatitis B virus has a long time in the body, attacks strongly, destroying many liver cells. The longer it takes, the stronger the activity of the hepatitis B virus, the more severe the liver will be damaged. Gradually, in the damaged areas will form scars, fibrous tissues, long-term forming cirrhosis.
Cirrhosis is a particularly dangerous disease, causing many dangerous complications, especially intra-abdominal infection, liver cancer.
Need to listen to the body to promptly detect abnormal signs, especially those at high risk of disease such as drinking a lot of alcohol. Regular medical examination every 6 months or 1 year to screen for dangerous diseases, including hepatitis B is the best way to protect health.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

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