Chronic tonsillitis should be removed?

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Hello doctor, I am 15 years old, born in 2004. When I was a child, I had symptoms such as shortness of breath, sleep apnea, breathing through the mouth. I have been examined at places near my home, 3 times at Bach Mai hospital, Hanoi, but the results of all 3 visits are different, the time between the 2nd and 3rd visits is a few weeks. At that time, my family had an idea to have my tonsils removed, went upstairs to ask the specialist what was wrong, and he said that the enlarged tonsils did not affect my health, and many people still had bigger tonsils. live normally. After taking the hospital's medicine for a few weeks, I can't remember clearly, I can't get rid of the disease. Currently, I still breathe through my mouth when winter comes. When I'm active in the summer, I'm breathing heavily, I can hear a very strong hissing sound in the right and left nostrils, but it's not significant. It's like her nose is narrower than a normal person's. And for the past 5 months, I have had a phenomenon of spitting up yellow lumps that are very foul, my throat has a pain for a while but now it's gone, but sometimes about 1 to 2 weeks I spit it up. May I ask what disease you have? Should tonsils be removed? Thank you doctor for reading.
Tran Linh (2004)
According to your story, you have a large size tonsil, often spit out yellow pus and pus, often called amydal pulp. These are the symptoms of chronic tonsillitis, which means that the tonsils are enlarged and often inflamed. In addition, if you say that you often have a stuffy nose, sleep with your mouth open and breathe, you may have snoring, it is likely that you still have residual VA in the dome (in the nose). In case if your otolaryngoscopy results are as predicted above, you are indicated for amydal surgery + amydal arch (VA) surgery. The surgery will help you improve your stuffy nose, get rid of tonsillitis and no longer have the phenomenon of spitting up foul pox. However, ENT disease is a group of respiratory diseases, the role of which is environmental factors, pollution, viruses, bacteria, mold, so you can still get infected again. Therefore, there is no method of treatment or oral medication that can claim to completely cure the disease without recurrence for you. It can be understood that ENT disease is an acquired disease that can recur, so it is still mainly prevention: Daily hygiene of the nose and throat, limiting exposure to pollution factors, going to an Ear check-up. nose-throat periodically.
Department of Medical Examination and Internal Medicine - Vinmec Ha Long International Hospital

This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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