5 things you should know about the perineum

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The article was professionally consulted by Doctor Nguyen Thi Minh Tuyet - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital.
The perineum is the tissue between the vagina and the anus. This place seems to play no role in the body, but it is very important in the process of giving birth. Here are 5 things you should know about the perineum to better understand this part.

1. Where is the perineum located?

The perineum is a physiological system in a woman's body that plays a very important role in intercourse, sperm reception and fetal nourishment. This part is the tissue between the anus and the vagina that is about 3-5 cm long. If the male genitals are located on the outside, the female genitals are hidden below, hidden by the upper thighs.
5 điều chị em nên biết về tầng sinh môn của mình
Vị trí tầng sinh môn

2. Structure of the perineum

The perineum includes all the fascia, muscles, and ligaments that seal the hole below the pelvis. The perineal structure consists of 3 layers: the deep layer, the middle layer and the shallow layer. Each layer consists of muscles and is surrounded by a separate layer of scales.
Deep layer: Consists of levator anal muscle and sphincter muscle surrounded by two fascia leaves of deep perineum. Medial layer: Consists of the deep transverse muscle and the urethral sphincter, both located in the anterior perineum and surrounded by two medial perineal fascia. Superficial layer: Consists of five muscles (superficial transverse muscle, bulbar fascia, sphincter muscle, perineal sphincter and anal sphincter) of which the anal sphincter is located in the posterior perineum, the remaining four are located in the posterior perineum. anterior perineum.

3.Function of the perineum

The perineum is a part of the reproductive system that has the function of protecting and supporting the pelvic organs such as the uterus, vagina, rectum, bladder, etc., is the portal of intercourse to receive sperm and sperm. uterus, and at the same time meet the sexual needs of women.
In particular, the perineum plays a very important role in the reproductive process of women. This part helps the baby to be born safer and easier because the perineum will expand to bring the fetus out.
If the perineum does not dilate well, especially for a woman who has given birth for the first time, has a solid perineum that will lead to tearing and damage to the perineum. This case not only affects the aesthetic problem, but also can make women lose the quality of sexual activities. When intercourse causes pain, loss of interest and difficulty in achieving pleasure... In some cases, one may fall into a state of anxiety, sadness, frigidity...affecting family happiness.

4. Why cut the episiotomy when giving birth?

Many vaginal births have an episiotomy when needed. In fact, during a normal birth, the female genitals gradually expand the muscles to make it easier for the fetus to get out. However, the dilation is also limited, especially when the fetus is too big or has a large weight, for women with poor perineal flexibility, vaginitis, and contractions of the uterus. not strong enough to make the birthing process more difficult.
To handle such conditions, the doctor or midwife must perform a small procedure of making a short incision in the perineum to help the fetus be delivered quickly and avoid the mother trying to Straining will tear the perineum. Tear stitches will be difficult to achieve high aesthetics like active episiotomy stitches.
For some women who are able to give birth easily or with a small fetus, this procedure can be skipped.
5 điều chị em nên biết về tầng sinh môn của mình
Rạch tầng sinh môn giúp thai nhi lọt ra dễ dàng hơn

5.Aesthetic perineum

The effects of births, time and age cause the perineum to deteriorate severely. Therefore, many women actively seek modern cosmetic measures to refurbish the private area, help restore physiological function, regain a sense of sublimation.
Perineal aesthetics helps to improve the shape and color in this area, as well as improve the physiological function for women.
Currently, the perineal cosmetic surgery is considered the most perfect solution to help women after giving birth to keep the fire of family happiness. This is a simple minor surgery, due to local anesthesia so you absolutely do not feel pain or discomfort. This minor surgery not only meets the aesthetic but also improves the elasticity, does not affect the physiological functions in women and surrounding organs.
Currently, there are many hospitals and cosmetic facilities that can perform episiotomy, but you need to consult reputable information and addresses before choosing to ensure safety and effectiveness.
5 điều chị em nên biết về tầng sinh môn của mình
Thẩm mỹ tầng sinh môn giúp phục hồi chức năng sinh lý,lấy lại cảm giác thăng hoa
The perineum is an important part for women and the happiness of every family. This article is 5 things women should know about the perineum to have the knowledge to cherish and take care of, to avoid unfortunate risks.
If you have a need for consultation and examination at the Hospitals of the national health system, please book an appointment on the website to be served

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This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.


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